Most leche league related news are at:

Au Congrès LLL de novembre 7 Aug 2013 | 02:40 pm
Il est toujours temps de vous inscrire au prochain congrès de LLL France, qui aura lieu les 9 et 10 novembre à Dourdan (Essonne). Vous trouverez le bulletin d'inscription avec le programme ici. Voic...
Des initiatives pour soutenir l'allaitement 22 Jun 2013 | 09:53 pm
Fondée à l’origine par de « simples mères », LLL s’est toujours réjouie des initiatives de « simples parents » pour le soutien à l’allaitement, initiatives souvent lancées en réaction à des événements...
More leche league related news:
La Leche League 25 Jan 2011 | 03:52 am
The La Leche League If you are a mom to be, or you have already had a child, then there is a good chance that you have heard about the La Leche League, or at least heard the name mentioned. In this ...
Review: Feed Yourself, Feed Your Family, by La Leche League International 2 Jul 2012 | 06:24 pm
Advice about what to eat when you're nursing is notoriously bad. From the lists of traditionally "prohibited" foods (you know that something's up when the list varies dramatically by culture), to the ...
Un week-end plin 27 Sep 2012 | 03:09 pm
Mai intai cu cursurile Otiliei. La noi. Apoi cu cursul de doula al lui Michel Odent. Apoi cu Quintessence of Breastfeeding. La noi. Urmat de intalnirea lunara La Leche League. Tot la noi. Apoi con...
Alaptarea - Momente magice in meseria de mamica 1 Aug 2012 | 09:17 pm
Cu cateva luni in urma am pus impreuna cu Rox Dudus de la La Leche League (care scrie aici ) Irina de la ANNA si Corin...
Saptamana Mondiala a Alaptarii - Marturii de la mame - 2 august 2 Aug 2013 | 02:58 pm
In cea de-a doua zi a Saptamanii mondiale a Alaptarii voi publica povestea Mariei (Cuc) Iancu care a fost sustinuta de Roxana Dudus, consilier in alaptare La Leche League: "Ma numesc Maria (Cuc) Ianc...
Kuo jums naudinga La Leche League? 5 Aug 2013 | 04:45 am
La Leche League lietuviškai – Pieno lyga. Trumpiau mes ją vadiname tiesiog LLL ir tai rodo aukštų standartų paramą žindančioms (ir nežindančioms) motinoms mama-mamai principu. LLL pagalbą gali teikti ...
Kate and the La Leche League 12 Aug 2013 | 07:13 pm
It seems the world is abuzz with royal-fever. And who can blame us? A prince was born, and his parents seem so normal. Sigrid Daniel is the Director of in the UK and feels Kate could blaze a ...
Avantajele alaptarii,intalnirea La Leche League Bucuresti - august, 2013 23 Aug 2013 | 10:25 pm
Intalnirea lunara La Leche League Bucuresti ofera oportunitatea de a vorbi cu alte mame despre bucuriile si provocarile alaptarii. Se vor aborda preocuparile mamelor si informatii actuale despre alapt...
Experiente in alaptare - Intalnirea La Leche League Bucuresti, iulie 2013 14 Jul 2013 | 08:12 pm
Mamele care alapteaza, mamele interesate de alaptare, gravidele si viitoarele mame sunt invitate sa participe la intalnirea lunara La Leche League Bucuresti, vineri, 19 iulie 2013, incepand cu ora 18....
Nutritie si intarcare - intalnirea La Leche League Bucuresti, iunie 2013 23 Jun 2013 | 09:59 pm
Mamele care alapteaza au nevoie de informatie pertinenta și de incurajare. In ziua de azi, alaptarea poate fi o experienta de una singura sau poate deveni cel mai profund lucru pe care il vei face vre...