Most legal follies charity event related news are at:

Watts - King Wedding | Vancouver, BC 27 Jan 2010 | 07:00 pm
{jumi[clients.php] [67] [Adriane] [Watts] [Tony] [King] [Vancouver, BC] [129] [] [6] [] [2012-07-28] [1024]} Engagement Photos: Near Saskatoon, SK
Holinaty - Prestupa Wedding | Saskatoon, SK 27 Jan 2010 | 07:00 pm
{jumi[clients.php] [68] [Laura] [Holinaty] [Ryan] [Prestupa] [Saskatoon, SK] [130] [] [7] [] [2012-08-04] [2048]} Engagement Photos: Saskatoon, SK Wedding Details: Wedding Ceremony: Third Avenue Un...
More legal follies charity event related news:
SMHCC Hosts Castle Park Solicitors’ Launch 26 Jul 2013 | 03:46 pm
The first Leicester legal practice owned by a charity is holding its launch event at St Martins House Conference Centre this week. The city centre practice is owned by Community Advice and Law Servic...
WPT Foundation Ladies’ Night Invitational Partner Profile: The Legal Aid Society of West Palm Beach 20 Aug 2013 | 10:10 pm
With the WPT Foundation Ladies’ Night Invitational fast approaching, we thought it time to look at another of the worthy charities that will be benefitting from this special event. Chosen as the char...