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And suddenly there are tears. 28 Jun 2013 | 11:10 pm
Bert and Ernie are seen from the back, snuggling, while watching an antique TV showing the Supreme Court Justices. This is a cover from The New Yorker’s early July issue. Click the cover for more info...
The Stuebenville Article I Need To Read 20 Mar 2013 | 02:05 am
When the media and the folks online turn their attention to a tragedy I often find myself getting overwhelmed. I would like to comment on the recent rape trial that is now in the media, but without ad...
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Lelo - Soraya - Pack Vibromasseur - marque : Lelo + Mixgliss (offert) - 119,60 € 30 Nov -0001 | 12:00 am
Soraya de Lelo est un vibromasseur double action aux possiblités les plus luxuriantes. Elle offre des plaisirs multiples sous une forme lisse et pleine d'attraits. Pack inclus un lubrifiant Mixgliss o...
Lelo Soraya Dual Action Vibrator 7 Jun 2013 | 10:49 am
Soraya is the worldÆs most beautiful dual-action vibrator, offering multiple pleasures in a sleek and seductive package. Soraya is the worlds most beautiful dual-action vibrator, offering multi...
Soraya de Lelo : sex toy haut de gamme 12 Oct 2011 | 12:38 am
Le vibromasseur de luxe Soraya de Lelo a tout pour plaire. Le sextoy haut de gamme est très design et dispose de deux moteurs pour une stimulation à la fois vaginale et clitoridienne. En plus de leu...
Picobong2012新品:平價版的Soraya:雙頭按摩棒 Kaya(可以同時玩後庭) 13 May 2012 | 11:08 pm
如果說 Soraya 是目前 Lelo 這個品牌中的大物級產品, Picobong 產品線裡面的大物級產品,肯定就是 Kaya! 雖然很多產業都會有抄來抄去的疑似山寨行為, 也有高階品牌發展較低價的副牌, 不過像 Lelo 這種山寨自己品牌的做法,還真是業界首創, 難怪他可以是情趣用品界的 LV,真是當之無愧啊! 以上至下分別是:Kaya、Soraya、Ina 後兩者為 Lelo 產...
Lelo Gigi G Spot Massager 7 Jun 2013 | 10:47 am
An elegant mid-size G-spot massager as beautiful to the eye as it is to touch, GIGIÆs flattened tip is perfect for exploring the possibilities of this most erogenous of zones. Made with FDA-app...
Soraya - Art & Diamonds Skin Renewal 70+ - Smoothing Eye Cream 28 Jul 2013 | 06:14 pm
Soraya - Art & Diamonds Skin Renewal 70+ - Smoothing Eye Cream. Art&Diamonds .. Price: $14.95