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Have You Heard of Comet Elenin? 6 Jun 2012 | 05:57 pm
In December 2010, Leonid Elenin, a Russian astronomer, discovered a new comet. It created a lot of buzz and became known as the doomsday comet by many. Fortunately, the doom and gloom dissipated, as d...
Have You Heard of Comet Elenin? 6 Jun 2012 | 05:57 pm
In December 2010, Leonid Elenin, a Russian astronomer, discovered a new comet. It created a lot of buzz and became known as the doomsday comet by many. Fortunately, the doom and gloom dissipated, as d...
30 yıllık fotoğraflarda yatan esrar nedir 15 Feb 2012 | 10:50 pm
Sovyetler Birliği zamanında önemli uzay projelerinde görev alan Rus gök bilimci Leonid Ksanfomaliti, otuz yıl önce Venüs’e inen Venera-13 uzay aracının fotoğraflarına dayanarak müthiş bir iddia ortaya...
Las teorías del cometa Elenin tienen origen jesuita 21 Sep 2011 | 07:22 pm
Fantástico análisis sobre los eventos apocalípticos publicitados por la venida del cometa Elenin cedido por el hermano Maximiliano y en el cual se delata una estrategia jesuita. Escuchen, escuchen D...
The Meaning of Icons 24 Jan 2012 | 05:14 am
The Meaning of Icons Leonid Ouspensky & Vladimir Lossky 2008, cyrillic, hard cover, monography, p. 221, 31 cm х 23,5 cm The book „Smisao ikona“ represents another very important work for better unde...
Universal Translation Devices Coming Closer to Reality 26 Apr 2012 | 01:01 pm
Photo by Leonid Mamchenkov @Flickr Scientists have once again taken their lead from popular science fiction culture for the development of their latest piece of technology. This time the goal is Star...
El cometa Elenin va a destruir …el orgullo de los imbéciles 21 Sep 2011 | 09:14 pm
Abundan en la red mensajes que dicen que el cometa se alineará con el sol y no se que otros cuentos, que provocara unas catástrofes espantosas que conducirán prácticamente a la extinción de la... Pe...
High Roller PCA – Le gagnant est Leonid Bilokur 16 Jan 2012 | 11:10 pm
C’est le joueur de poker russe Leonid Bilokur qui a gagné le grand High Roller à 25.000$ du PCA suivi en deuxième place par l’ancien champion du monde Jonathan Duhamel qui a bien débuté l’année en rem...
Weird Man Reclaims World's Tallest Record 31 Aug 2008 | 04:20 am
China's Bao Xishun reclaimed the title of the world's tallest man(Really Weird) after Leonid Stadnik of Ukraine refused to be measured under new guidelines from Guinness World Records. This Weird Bao ...
Always kiss them goodnight 4 Aug 2011 | 05:19 am
photo by Leonid Mamchenkov As a parent I have a lot of soft spots–little triggers in my heart that are set off by things being just a certain way: when Gabriel tells me I’m beautiful; when Abigail la...