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شركة MSI تكشفان عن الحاسبان المحمولان GX640 و GX740 من فئة الألعاب 19 Feb 2010 | 08:09 pm
أعلنت شركة MSI عن أنصمام حاسبات محمولان لعائلة GX وهذه الفئه معروفة بفئة الألعاب .الحاسب المحمول GX640 بشاشة طولها 15 أنش والحاسب المحمول GX740 بشاشة طولها 17 أنش وموعد الأصدار سيكون في شهر مارس وأ...
Genius Cavimanus Headset Joins GX Gaming Series 17 Feb 2012 | 10:58 pm
Genius have just announced the latest addition to their GX Gaming Series. Following on from the Deathtaker mouse comes the new Genius HS-G700V Cavimanus headset. Genius Cavimanus Specifications Head...
Genius DeathTaker Debuts For GX Gaming Series 3 Feb 2012 | 02:13 am
Gaming gear maker Genius are launching a fresh assault on the PC market with their new GX Gaming range, and the bad boy below is the first product in that line – the Genius DeathTaker (gotta love that...
MainPage GX 4 Oct 2010 | 02:41 pm
Icore Technology is a Malaysia Web Hosting Provider, highly competent in providing domain name registration, web hosting, email hosting, web design and development , dedicated server and server co-l...
New GX server – Efficient Fill & Key Graphics Playout 4 May 2012 | 09:24 pm
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Nový Blog 2 Jul 2009 | 01:52 am
takže budu mít nový blog tenhle je na sračky :Djednoduše řečeno než bych ho dal dohromady je konec prázdnin :D na novém blogu odstartuje 1 serie Bionicle GX(na tomhle to mela bejt 5.serie) až bude n...
hooooooooooodneee zmen!!! 10 Jun 2009 | 06:07 am
Takže o víkendu přijde hodne zmen a po tech začne ta slibovaná sérka ale opet zmena nebudou to galaktické bitvy ale:Bionicle GX (GX=Generation Next) je to kvuli tomu že bych zase vzal neco z pokemonu ...
Gx 64 29 Jul 2011 | 10:39 am
Está ai , mais um episódio ainda essa semana o 65 isso é tudo pessoal :D. Episódio 64 YUGIOH GX Qualidade: Alta Idioma: Japonês Tamanho: 180 mb Legenda: Português Formato: .mp4 Resolução: 640x4...
GX 63 24 Jul 2011 | 06:12 am
Demorou mais está ai *-* , bom como o zelda sumiu não consegui pegar o karaoke com ele então por isso o episódio 63 está sem karaoke quando eu pegar o script do karaoke farei uma verção v2 , isso é tu...
Finalmente Voltamos 19 Jul 2011 | 10:14 am
Primeiramente peso desculpa a todos pela demora e pelos links desatualizados , agora vai iremos voltar nesta semana com o GX e o Zexal estamos com menos membros disponíveis mais iremos fazer o possíve...