Most les baer 1911 related news are at:

Farewell 9 Jul 2013 | 10:26 am
The Packing Rat had a great run. What started as a fun project to pass time in college turned into a wonderful series of life changing events. I can make the argument The Packing Rat landed me my fi...
Ruger SR22 Pistol Magazine Disconnect Modification 19 May 2013 | 12:31 pm
Derek supplements Random Gun's guide on how to remove the magazine disconnect on a Ruger SR22 pistol.
More les baer 1911 related news:
Les Baer 1911 Hemi 572 26 Aug 2013 | 02:57 pm
Users’ Rating Summary: The description, specs, photo and pricing for the Les Baer 1911 Hemi 572 pistol. Manufacturer’s Description Les Baer‘s 1911 Hemi 572 is a 1911-style semiauto pistol built on ...
Les Baer .308 Semi-Auto Match Rifle Review 25 Jul 2011 | 11:26 am
As a gunsmith, Les Baer rightly deduced that he could produce guns with better reliability, longer durability and greater accuracy potential if the major components were made to tighter tolerances. By...
Hot and Hemi: Les Baer Custom Hemi 572 Review 30 Jul 2013 | 07:53 pm
It’s not often that I wax rhapsodic about a 1911 pistol, but I’m about to make an exception for Les Baer’s new Hemi 572. Don’t get me wrong. I love 1911s, all 1911s. By actual count I own 18 of them (...
Les Baer .38 Super Comanche 13 Aug 2013 | 05:33 pm
Users’ Rating Summary: The description, specs, photo and pricing for the Les Baer .38 Super Comanche pistol. Manufacturer’s Description Les Baer‘s .38 Super Comanche is a 1911-style semiauto pistol...
Les Baer .38 Super Stinger 31 Jul 2013 | 06:38 pm
Users’ Rating Summary: The description, specs, photo, pricing and user ratings for the Les Baer .38 Super Stinger pistol. Manufacturer’s Description Les Baer‘s .38 Super Stinger is a 1911-style sem...
Film's first detective film - 1911 - Le trust, ou les batailles de l’argent - The Trust, or The Battles for Money - Louis Feuillade 10 Nov 2010 | 11:16 am
Too often, there are works of art that fade into obscurity which deserve far greater recognition. Several months ago, when Film: Ab Initio began exploring ‘Film’s Forgotten Decade’ (i.e. the period be...
1911 5 Oct 2011 | 02:00 am
Ils sont où les films plutôt funny avec Jacky Chan ?
Cottereau Biler 9 Jan 2011 | 02:41 am
Les mer om Cottereau biler her. Cottereau var en fransk bilprodusent som var aktiv i Dijon mellom 1898 og 1911. Selskapet Cotterau et Cie begynte å produsere biler rundt 1898. Den første modellen, V...
Edouard Baer, le nouvel ASTERIX 9 Jan 2012 | 01:53 am
Même si la qualité cinématographique des adaptations d’"Astérix & Obélix" sur grand écran n’a pas toujours été mise en évidence, les premières images dévoilant le grimage des acteurs matérialisant en ...
Hello from NW Indiana! 20 Oct 2012 | 09:28 pm
Greetings! Great site, I love all the information here. I have owned several 1911's and I have sold them. I love the 1911 and I am ready to buy another. looking at the baers. Mostly for target shootin...