Most lexus lf-a related news are at:

Mercedes negocia área de fábrica com SC e SP 27 Aug 2013 | 01:41 am
A Mercedes-Benz segue a passos largos com seu plano de voltar a montar carros no Brasil. A marca não confirma, mas negocia com o governo de Santa Catarina para construir sua planta no estado. São Paul...
Minivan 5008 ganha visual alinhado à identidade da Peugeot 27 Aug 2013 | 01:36 am
A terceira grande novidade da Peugeot para o Salão de Frankfurt também foi confirmada nesta segunda-feira (26). Além dos conceitos 308 R e 208 Hybrid FE, a marca levará ao evento alemão a reestilizaçã...
More lexus lf-a related news:
New Sport Coupe Lexus LF-LC Design Concept 13 Jan 2012 | 11:35 pm
This new sport coupe Lexus LF-LC design concept was developed in design studio Calty in Newport Beach, California. Based on the title Hybrid on the side of car we can assume that it will include typic...
Lexus LF-LC Concept Unveiled at 2012 NAIAS 10 Apr 2012 | 01:50 pm
Officially unveiled in January 2012 is National American International Auto (NAIA) Show in Detroit, the Lexus LF-LC-looking approach to the Lexus brand to move into a new direction more sporty and exc...
Концепт спорткара Lexus LF-LC может пойти в производство 28 Mar 2012 | 09:00 pm
Роскошное спортивное купе Lexus LF-LC, которое дебютировало в концептуально виде на автосалоне в Детройте в начале текущего года, имеет все шансы на серийное производство. В компании отмечают, концепт...
2012 Lexus LF-LC Concept 4 Feb 2012 | 11:10 am
The 2012 Lexus LF-LC Concept, a rear-wheel drive, front engine 2+2 hybrid sport coupe, was debuted at the 2012 North yank International Auto Show with an eye fixed toward indicating the direction of L...
Amazing Bold Design Line of Lexus LF-A Coupe 31 May 2011 | 01:30 am
Lexus LF-A Concept was unveiled at the Detroit Motor Show which was held in 2005. This sporty front-engine two-seater coupe symbolizes new design character. This sporty Lexus LF-A Concept is equipped ...
Sexy Lexus LF-LC Concept 29 Mar 2012 | 04:24 am
Lexus LF-LC automobile can be hybrid. In it it is planned to establish nickel-metal-hybrid accumulator, terribly powerful and reliable. It will work in a very combination to a petrol internal combusti...
Цены на Lexus LF-A II могут вырасти вдвое12 апреля 2012 13 Apr 2012 | 07:23 am
Идея спроса и предложения всегда главенствует в любом роде бизнеса, и представители автомобильной индустрии знают об этом лучше любого успешного предпринимателя. Для примера стоит взять японский люкс...
New Lexus Sport Coupe Crosses Digital Divide – Wall Street Journal (blog) 10 Jan 2012 | 10:54 pm
Kansas City Star New Lexus Sport Coupe Crosses Digital Divide Wall Street Journal (blog) s latest luxury design study, the Lexus LF-LC sports coupe. The car boasts curvy sheet metal that sheaths a re...
Lexus LF-LC Concept Car 13 Jan 2012 | 11:55 am
Lançado mundialmente na Feira Automóvel de Detroit, o design deste concept-car da Lexus foi criado pelo estúdio de design da própria marca situado em Newport Beach, na Califórnia, e inclui elementos d...
The mysterious production processes Lexus LF-A supercar 25 Jul 2012 | 09:48 am
The mysterious production processes Lexus LF-A supercar Behind a door in the Motomachi plant in Toyota City where the Lexus LFA is born. There, 170 people chase single goal: how to make the car super...