Most liberalism fail related news are at:

Democracy or mob rule? 3 Feb 2012 | 03:03 am
Democracy is an overused word these days. That, in itself, would not be a bad thing if it were being used correctly, but the trouble is that it rarely is. There is a growing assumption - perpetuated ...
The pygmy mind of Nick Clegg 13 Dec 2011 | 01:33 am
A few weeks ago I revealed that since officially retiring I've started working as a business coach. I'll be honest, I'm no business genius and most of what I tell people is common sense, but one of th...
More liberalism fail related news:
Charlie Rangel Agreed. Allen West – Liberals Failed Blacks on the Democrat Plantation 20 Aug 2011 | 06:46 am
It is a World that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth… that you are only a battery to them -Morpheus, The Matrix I see Allen West as I see Morpheus Allen West calls out … Conti...
West’s liberals fail to help, says Hirsi Ali – The Age 16 Apr 2012 | 11:22 am
by Barney Zwartz 16th April, 2012 via The Age WESTERN liberals, crippled by political correctness, guilt and a romanticised view of Islam, are leaving atheists and Christians bereft in the ”Arab wi...
Top 10 Reasons Why BC Voters Will Vote for Change 12 May 2013 | 10:55 pm
10. The Worst Private Sector Job Performance in Canada: BC deserves better than the BC Liberals’ failed jobs plan, which has bled BC of 45,600 private sector jobs. The NDP plan invests in skills trai...
Demolition Fail Ouch 7 Nov 2011 | 08:55 am
Demolition Fail Ouch I have no idea what they thought was going to happen here, but the driver of the heavy machinery gets a concrete building on top of him. Ouch.
Help Wanted 24 Feb 2012 | 02:19 pm
I dislike "Captcha." I've tried for over two hours to find out how to turn it off. I have failed. Lin, from Ducken Wheel w/String, was able to turn it off, but she uses the old interface. I don't ...
Bye bye, Sarah 15 Oct 2011 | 11:00 pm
This week has been very liberating for me. I'm convinced that I wrote everything I could possibly have written about Sarah Palin. However outrageous her behaviour from now on, it would just be a repla...
The Big LIE about women and confidence 16 Aug 2011 | 02:02 am
I have some very bad news for you. You’ve been lied to. Lied to about women and confidence. Everyone says women want a man who’s confident, yet how many confident men fail miserably with women? A lo...
"Humble Abundance"... 1 Jan 2011 | 09:11 pm
I am not making resolutions this year... Not because I know I'll fail, but because I want to succeed without their limitations. Instead, I am adopting a theme for the year... A guideline. One ado...
FAIL and WIN (15 фото) 20 Mar 2012 | 06:00 pm
L’utopia del consumer centric 23 Dec 2009 | 07:36 am
Un pò di tempo fa mi sono imbattuta in un post dal titolo Companies Ignore Customer Feedback, Fail to Track WOM, un’affermazione che nasce in seguito alla ricerca Giving Customer Voice More Volume eff...