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Visualizing OASIS Technical Committees 1 Jul 2013 | 05:28 pm
So what do we have here? This is a simple social network visualization, of OASIS Technical Committees. Each circle in this graph represents a single Technical Committee (TC). The size of the circle...
The Power of Brand and the Power of Product, Part 2 12 Jun 2013 | 10:55 pm
In Part 1 of this series we looked at a model of product adoption and market share that had a special and valuable property: the parameters of the model could be derived from a single survey question...
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Tutorial sederhana mailmerge di Libreoffice 8 Apr 2012 | 07:15 pm
Pertama kali main mail merge di Openoffice/Libreoffice kesulitan dan agak ribet, maklum karena memang belum biasa dan juga karena tidak se-"user friendly" mailmerge-nya Ms Office, setelah beberapa kal...
SkyDrive adds support for ODF 21 Apr 2012 | 11:01 pm
Since yesterday incropora SkyDrive support for ODF, Open Document Format, documents used mostly by users of LibreOffice and OpenOffice. Good news that adds more functionality to better use for that 25...
Share : Keunikan LibreOffice dan OpenOffice 4 Jul 2012 | 11:54 pm
Pasti sobat blogger sudah tahu software LibreOffice dan apalagi yang satu ini OpenOffice yang sudah mendunia jadi bisa saya anggap LibreOffice itu sebagai adiknya sedangkan OpenOffice itu sebagai kaka...
LibreOffice Teams Up with AMD to ‘Accelerate’ Spreadsheets 5 Jul 2013 | 12:16 pm
AMD joins the likes of Google and Intel on the Open Office Foundation’s advisory board Users of open-source productivity suite LibreOffice, which forked away from in 2010, will soon be...