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Going Batty Over Lash Extensions 1 Sep 2011 | 10:26 am
Here’s a great article from The Press, on Stuff about Eyelash Extensions. Enjoy.
Marie Antoinette costume talk 7 May 2011 | 09:01 am
Today I went to the Wallace Collection to see the Marie Antoinette costume talk. Last month, I was very happy listening to Madame de Pompadour sharing her life and fashion tips, so this time I was eag...
Spring 2011 Trunk Show 10 Dec 2011 | 10:59 am
Happy Holidays! I hope to see everyone at my trunk show tomorrow at Lot 8, from 12-6pm. I will be there to help you with the collection. Enjoy the video, Love Life, Love Fashion, Love, Chloe
DOKTOR D. KOLLEKTION - €0.01 22 Jul 2010 | 03:32 am
DOKTOR D. KOLLEKTION Since graduating from the Medical University of Vienna Dr.Marie-Thérèse Dde Ville draws inspiration from her main professional influences in life: medicine & fashion. Exploring ...
Medical Alert Jewelry: A Life Saving Fashion Statement 9 Feb 2011 | 12:22 pm
Author: Alex Smith No one really wants to be labeled as "different." And certainly, no one wants to create that label and apply it to him or herself. But many medical conditions require some form of ...
Vivienne Westwood A Life in Fashion 時裝設計展 26 Nov 2008 | 11:22 pm
我雖然唔係Vivienne Westwood Fans,但係一直都好欣賞佢夠曬華麗 & Dramatic 既 Style ~ 好開心~ 今個星期日有得先睹為快~ YEAH!!!! 西太后世界巡迴時裝展 12月駕臨太古坊 由2008年12月1日至2009年1月31日,太古地產將於太古港島東為這位當今最具創意及影響力的殿堂級設計師Vivienne Westwood舉辦「A Life in Fa....
Wardrobe Consultant: How Could A Wardrobe Consultant Help Me? 19 Jul 2010 | 11:26 pm
A wardrobe consultant could save you from a life of fashion drudgery transforming you into a stylish individual Wardrobe consultants are fashion experts who can help you build a basic capsule wardrobe...
£9.95 Great Alaskan Ulu 19 Mar 2012 | 08:00 am
Centuries ago, the native people of Alaska lived off the land. Every aspect of life was fashioned from the wilderness that surrounded them; tools of survival were no exception. The ULU was the most in...
Luxury Christian Louboutin Shoes, Elegant Life Style 24 Jul 2012 | 04:08 pm
Fashion is the major topic of some ladies' life. They have great interests in fashion trends and care much about fashionable clothing, shoes, jewelry and so on. At the mention of shoes, I believe that...
Going Batty Over Lash Extensions 1 Sep 2011 | 06:26 am
Here’s a great article from The Press, on Stuff about Eyelash Extensions. Enjoy.