Most lifestream related news are at:

Chris Dancy on Existence as a Platform 9 Aug 2013 | 01:10 am
I recently came across this very interesting presentation by Chris Dancy on “Existence as a Platform”. In it Chris makes the point of taking the concept of the quantified self to a higher level by exp...
My Talk on Digital Preservation at Quantified Self Los Angeles 10 Jul 2013 | 12:32 am
At the June meetup for the Los Angeles Quantified Self group I gave a talk on digital preservation. The talk centered around a 3 step process I created last year to preserve, prepare and produce my di...
More lifestream related news:
Why Google Buzz will work, sort of 11 Feb 2010 | 11:38 pm
So we have another social/microblogging/lifestreaming service, called Google Buzz. It is, without doubt, Google’s boldest social play yet. Despite dominating pretty much all the key areas of the inter...
Lifestreaming 5 Nov 2011 | 02:33 am
I just enabled the Facebook Timeline. I don't hate it. Yet. The thing is, this will be playing on the geek's OCD card. For instance, you can retroactivelly add any detail of your life to the timeli...
Lifestreams 2011 in Review 27 Oct 2011 | 03:49 am
From 2002 to 2011 Lifestreams International trained in a four-year strategic missions curriculum for Sudanese nationals at a cost of slightly over $300,000 to evangelize and disciple through a micro-b...
WordPress Theme – Seven Life Sentient 20 Apr 2012 | 05:44 am
WordPress Theme – Seven Life Sentient The Seven Five is a minimalist and semi-automatic ‘lifestream’ WordPress theme that allows you to integrate updates from multiple web services into your own...
hen-tie update: fakku! 17 Jul 2009 | 12:13 am
it’s been a long time since i last downloaded hen-tie stuff. yeah, thanks to my future wife, te-hee~ my hidden hen-tie folder is almost as neglected as this rozenesia’s lifestream, but this blog gets...
Lifestream Schleuder 3 Nov 2008 | 07:28 am
Neu habe ich in meinem Blog eine Seite namens Lifestream Schleuder. Dort können Interessierte einsehen, was ich jeweils ausserhalb dieses Blogs ins Web schleudere. Wen das wirklich interessiert, klick...
Actividad de la red social de recetas en forma de lifestream en el muro, notificaciones por email y algunas actualizaciones más en Kukers 21 Nov 2011 | 08:40 pm
Kukers para todos: ya no necesitas solicitar invitación Hasta ahora, necesitabas una invitación para poder formar parte de Kukers. Pero la época de pruebas ha terminado, y hemos abierto el registro. A...
Mes applications indispensables pour Twitter 15 Apr 2009 | 01:15 am
Il y a quelques mois j’écrivais ici même que « Avec le Lifestreaming, Google est (presque) mort« . L’énorme base de données d’informations constituées en temps réel par les huit millions d’adeptes de ...
The Future of Insights Talk 20 Apr 2012 | 02:59 pm
I’ve tweeted it and facebooked it … but this is still my space, my main lifestream and my first love … and although I haven’t been blogging much, I thought I’d share my talk on the Future of Insights...
Facebook en voie de bonification 21 Aug 2009 | 06:54 am
On va commencer par poser les bases : il y a une dizaine de jours, Facebook, le réseau social, a racheté FriendFeed, l’agrégateur lifestream. Ce rachat peut sembler anodin, mais non ! Ca ouvre une pa...