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Understanding Values in Skin Tones & Painting Facial Features 12 Mar 2012 | 08:00 am
Renowned painter Sharon Sprung imparts incomparable lessons in creating the illusion of life. Working with a light box, she explains how light illumines form; she defines basic terms like mid-tone, hi...
Lightbox: Definition from 23 May 2012 | 11:01 pm
light box Instrument used for viewing chromes, or color transparencies. A light box is simply a box of any size that contains electric lamps and has a
Downloads: Social Box – WordPress Widget 21 Dec 2011 | 09:57 am
What is this? While we are using the great wordpress themes, we need to add a widget that links to our social pages like facebook, Google+ and twitter, Here is a free widget that enables you to do so...
JTAG Ultimate Slider Plugin 30 Jan 2012 | 12:00 pm
JTAG Ultimate Slider, Multimedia,Multimedia Display JTAG Ultimate slider is package of 8 different transitional sliders with corresponding light box transitions for displaying content [pictures, vide...
jQuery Lightbox 24 Jun 2011 | 06:17 am
So, the other day I was building a popup dialog box based on the principals seen in most light boxes. I wanted the box to be centered top and bottom and left and right. The obvious choice was to use j...
Facts For Those Who Are Skeptical About ZeekRewards 23 May 2012 | 07:36 pm
May 23rd, 2012 c353460 Edit X Hello there! If you are new here, you might want to Subscribe to our RSS Feed Enter your email address: Delivered by FeedBurner Powered by WP Greet Box WordPress Plu...
Super Super Late 22 Oct 2010 | 02:09 pm
Want to take this time to show you a little about this Light Box I was talking about. But first there's this guy, he's been with me for years. Been abused in the heat sitting in my car for a couple y...
Shane Jones Interview 1 Aug 2010 | 05:19 pm
Shane Jones is the author of the marvelous Light Boxes, The Failure Six, A Cake Appeared and more. SK: What cartoons or television shows did you enjoy as a child? Shane Jones: I was really into He-M...
So Fly 22 Nov 2010 | 11:26 am
Hey everyone! So I know a lot of you have been asking about my light box. I don't want to disappoint, but... my light box looks totally ghetto! As many of you know, I am currently in college and don't...
2 New Collections! OPI Shrek and Essie Resort. 30 Apr 2010 | 07:29 am
Take a look at these babies! I'm still trying to find/create a light box or another good place to photograph. I also need to get an editing program like Photoshop to make these look decent! Darling h...