Most light houses rule related news are at:

How to Make Money While Traveling? 27 Aug 2013 | 11:16 am
There are a LOT of blog posts out there on the interwebs talking about how to make money while traveling. But I’d urge you to change your thinkings on this subject. Too many ask themselves “How can ...
A Platform to Share Private Feedback on Business Arrangements 25 Aug 2013 | 09:42 pm
We all know reputation is matters. And much of your reputation is locked up inside the heads of individuals you’ve worked with in the past. What’s needed? A private way to leave feedback on past bus...
More light houses rule related news:
HOUSE RULES 16 Aug 2011 | 07:24 am
#2 House Rules 8 Feb 2011 | 11:30 am
I finished another book! This one was so good I couldn't put it down. I chose it mostly because I had it in my e-reader but my mom said that Jodi Picoult was a really good writer - and she's right. ...
Take me where the horses run wild 11 Feb 2012 | 05:29 pm
Mention Batanes and images of rolling hills, stone houses, light houses, friendly people come to mind. Only a few people associate Batanes with horses. But when you come to think of it, horses and ...
House Rules 10 Aug 2010 | 02:11 pm
{gigantic sigh, heard round the world, or at least round my living room} A good local friend, who is also a mom of a child on the autism spectrum AND a speech pathologist, loaned me a book recently. ...
Drawings 19 Sep 2010 | 06:25 pm
This time I have posted a light house,a joker and a sunflower in my mom's blog myself. My mom taught me how to blog the picture and publish post.
House Rules II 11 Apr 2012 | 06:43 am
I have reworded #3 of the House Rules to be as inclusive as possible. If you wish to denigrate another person or group of people based upon their religion, belief in deities, or non-belief in deities,...
House Rules 7 Apr 2012 | 12:09 am
I’ve made a small modification to the commenting guidelines of this blog. Please note #3 of my House Rules. If you are an anti-theist, your comments are not welcome here. I see your prejudices as hold...
The House Rules 15 Dec 2010 | 10:24 am
I’m the first person to tell you that I’m not a huge music fan. I don’t have favourite songs or artists. I don’t listen to music for the sake of listening to music, but I do like to have it on in the ...
our house rules 4 Apr 2010 | 06:31 am
Samantha brought an assignment she had done at school home last week. Evidently some of the rules of our household needed to be clarified in her mind. I thought these were sorta understood, but I gues...
FIFA House Rules 10 May 2010 | 07:59 pm
I think I need to jot this down.Hehe..Sabo ajela..Just received an email from Mr Husband. "FIFA House Rules". You want to know the RULESSS??? Okey, let me cut and paste! Dear Wife/ Swweetheart/Girrl ...