Most lighttpd vs apache2 related news are at:

STM8 Notes 17 Mar 2013 | 10:12 pm
STM8 - program memory bus 32-bit, can fetch 1 or 2 instructions at once - instruction pipeline: fetch, decode, execute, write operations overlap for the next instruction, so while decoding n-th instru...
php default_charset and header enforcement on charsets 12 Feb 2013 | 11:08 pm
I had the following snippetheader('Content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8');Then I noticed what it was actually giving in response was charset=utf8 (note the missing dash). I wouldn’t have noti...
More lighttpd vs apache2 related news:
Lighttpd vs Nginx (Apache Benchmark) 22 Mar 2009 | 07:25 am
Continuing previous post Lighttp vs Apache2 Now, i’ve done another test Lighttpd vs Nginx using Apache Benchmark Benchmark parameter ab -c 300 -n 1000 … . . . . . Nginx + spawn-fcgi 14:31:34...
Lighttpd+FastCgi+Php-Cli vs Apache2+mod_php 17 Mar 2009 | 02:08 am
I heard a lot of good things about lighttpd and fastcgi. People keep claiming that Lighttpd are faster than Apache2. So here i want to prove it by myself. If you’ve been on internet for more than 1...
Install Apache2, MySQL, PHP5 dan PhpMyAdmin di Ubuntu Natty. 15 Jul 2011 | 04:46 pm
Okee… Kita udah sering bahas tutor installasi Lighttpd, Nginx bahkan Cherokee untuk web server alternatif, tapi belum pernah bahas tutor web server utama, apalagi kalau bukan Apache yang terkenal itu,...
Migrating from Apache2 to Lighttpd: Part 1 – Installing FastCGI, PHP5, Zend, eaccelerator 5 Apr 2009 | 08:07 pm
Okay guys, Before migrating to Lighttpd, we need to recompile PHP to support FastCGI. Folow the guide step by step. It won’t take five minutes. Promise In case you messed up somewhere. DON’T WO...
nginX VS lighttpd 6 Jan 2013 | 01:35 pm
Zilele trecute spuneam ca am renuntat la apache in favoarea lighttpd. Intr-adevar mi-a scazut CPU usage si memory usage destul de mult, dar la orele de varf tot consuma destul de multe resurse (peste ...