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KNOPPIX 7.0.5 "The Final 21.12.2012 Release" 22 Dec 2012 | 03:00 am
Knoppix 7.0.5 mit Kernel 3.6.11 ist ab sofort als CD- und DVD-Image verfügbar. Mehr zum neuen Release in den .
KNOPPIX 7.0.4 Release 27 Aug 2012 | 03:00 am
DVD- und CD-Images sind ab sofort auf den Mirrors verfügbar. Mehr zum neuen Release in den .
More linux cd related news:
9.SSH访问 14 Feb 2009 | 01:24 am
larch – a do-it-yourself live Arch Linux CD 阅读全文
Removing Windows Admin/User Passwords Using LInux/Ubuntu11.10 21 Dec 2011 | 03:13 am
Hello Folks, Here we shall see a small tutorial on "How to remove windows passwords Using a linux CD". Requirements to do is a Linux CD and of course the system whose password is to be removed/change...
Squid And Wccp V2 14 May 2012 | 08:07 am
Linux # cd /usr/src # nano/usr/include/bits/typesizes.h #define __FD_SETSIZE 16384 # wget -c # tar xf squid-3.1.15.tar....
membangun jaringan komputer (wire & wireless) untuk pengguna windows dan linux + (cd & dvd) 30 Nov -0001 | 12:00 am
Iwan Sofana Harga : Rp. 80000 Buku ini dibuat untuk pengguna Windows XP dan Linux pemula yang ingin belajar membangun jaringan komputer di rumah dan kantor kecil. Konsep praktis yang dijelaskan pada ...
Steps to setup a Squid proxy server on Linux 5 Oct 2011 | 12:23 pm
set of steps for the Squid proxy server Linux Place Squid cache of Internet users and websites. Who is faster, less bandwidth for HTTP traffic, bandwidth charges and save -.. Or use the recorded tape...
Holy Wars, aka Vi vs Emacs 29 Mar 2010 | 09:48 pm
As a long-time Windows user, there was always something which confused me when it came to learning my trade on Linux based systems – the sheer amount of choice in apps on offer to fulfill a single tas...
Download CD/DVD Linux “Distro Nusantara IGN 2009″ 9 Nov 2009 | 04:42 pm
distro-nusantara Jika Anda suka dengan software Open Source & Legal, ada berita bagus. Hari Sabtu, 7 November 2009, Pusat Penelitian Informatika (P2I), Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI) resmi...
[Updated] FAQ for How to Create a Windows XP Setup CD for a Preloaded Windows System 29 Mar 2011 | 05:00 pm
Another frequently asked question has been added to the FAQ for How to Create a Windows XP Setup CD for a Windows-Preloaded System. This one deals with the error message from the service pack updater ...
How to burn a Blu-ray or AVCHD video disc using ImgBurn 16 Mar 2011 | 10:34 pm
ImgBurn is free a DVD and Blu-ray recording application from the creator of DVD Decrypter. It started as a pure image burner, meaning you could use it to burn ready cd image files, like .iso or .bin t...
How to burn a DVD-Video disc using ImgBurn 25 Feb 2011 | 02:16 am
ImgBurn is free a DVD and Blu-ray recording application. It started as a pure image burner, meaning you could use it to burn ready cd image files, like .iso or .bin to CDs and DVDs but as the years pa...