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IBM's Arvind Krishna: Linux Will Fuel Next-Gen Cloud Applications 26 Aug 2013 | 08:00 pm
The next generation of applications will be smarter -- with built-in data, mobile and social capabilities -- and it will be built on private clouds that run on Linux servers, says Arvind Krishna, gene...
Slideshow: Best LinuxCon Goose Chase Contest Photos (So Far) 23 Aug 2013 | 01:55 am
The Great LinuxCon Wild Goose Chase scavenger hunt is well underway as Linux community members across the globe race for the chance to win up to $500. Participants complete missions by sending in thei...
More linux foundation members related news:
Linux Foundation Announces A Holiday Membership Program 10 Dec 2009 | 10:31 am
Today the Linux Foundation announced a new holiday promotion. Â For every new individual member who joins ($99/year), the Linux Foundation will also give a free membership to a student. By joining th...
Industrin stödjer Linux Kernel Long Term Support Inititiative 27 Oct 2011 | 11:22 am
Linux Foundation annonserar initiativet LTSI (Long Term Support Initiative) som syftar till att bilda en ny gren av Linux-kärna med förlängd supportperiod och regelbundna uppdateringar. Initiativet fö...
Linux Foundation 發佈 Filesystem Hierarchy Standard 3.0 的第一份草稿並徵求意見。 8 Sep 2011 | 04:54 pm
Linux Foundation 最近發佈了 Filesystem Hierarchy Standard (FHS) 3.0 的第一份草稿並徵求意見。FHS 上次正式發佈已是 7 年前的事了。 FHS 主要定義了自由 Unix 作業系統 (特別是 GNU/Linux) 檔案系統各目錄及其內容的標準。 Feedback Requested: Filesystem Hierarchy Standar...
Red Hat's Fedora 8 hope: An all-purpose Linux foundation 1 Dec 2008 | 07:46 am
Over the years, Red Hat's Fedora has made a name for itself as a version of Linux for enthusiasts, developers, and those who want to try the latest thing in open-source software. But a curious feature...
Video de como Avanza Linux 6 Apr 2012 | 05:32 am
Este es un video de la Linux Foundation que da algunas estadísticas y notas interesantes de como es construido y como avanza Linux, entre los puntos más interesantes: Linux es utilizado en una gra...
Помогает ли Microsoft делать Linux 12 Apr 2012 | 04:16 pm
Ежегодно Linux Foundation подводит итоги, кто в разработку кода Linux (PDF) вносит самый большой вклад. За прошлый год в списке наряду с Google, Samsung, IBM, Oracle, Intel, Red Hat встречаются и мене...
The 20 Years Of Linux 22 Apr 2011 | 10:17 am
The Linux Foundation is celebrating 20 years of Linux, and for the occasion, they’ve released a commemorative infographic:
Vous cherchez un job IT ? Misez sur Linux comme compétence 16 Feb 2012 | 01:33 am
Linux Foundation vient de publier un rapport montrant l’utilité de posséder Linux comme compétence et son utiliser de faciliter l’accès à un emploi . Voici l’étude représentée dans une infographie : L...
Swine Flu: No one’s talking about building natural immunity 5 May 2009 | 08:57 am
This is part of an email sent to Weston A Price Foundation Members: You are all aware of the dire warnings about swine flu, the outbreak that started in the Mexican village of La Gloria and which loca...
IDC: Software ist Schlüssel zu Tizens Erfolg 30 Sep 2011 | 06:35 pm
Die Marktforscher von IDC haben die Ankündigung von Intel uns Samsung kommentiert, die Plattform Mee Go zusammen mit der Linux Foundation und der Limo Foundation in das quelloffene Smartphonebetriebss...