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Easy Peasy - Netbook Betriebssystem 9 Nov 2009 | 05:00 am
Ein schnelles und uebersichtliches Linux Netbook Betriebssystem.
Lanzado Moblin 2.0, el Linux de Intel para netbooks 28 Sep 2009 | 02:09 pm
El pasado viernes 25 de septiembre se dio a conocer Moblin 2.0, la nueva distribución de Linux creada por la compañía de microprocesadores Intel y que ha sido especialmente diseñada para ser utilizada...
Google and the Linux desktop 12 Mar 2009 | 01:18 pm
Google will start rolling out its Linux desktop on netbooks. The company will begin there because netbooks are the only division of PC sales that's actually still growing.
Bodhi Linux Powered Tablet/Netbook Give Away 17 Sep 2011 | 12:45 am
Forums: Distro News Jeff Hoogland Bodhi Linux 1.2.0 has been out of the gate for a full week now and I must say we are truly pleased with the response we have received. There has been a spike of n....
eMachines by Acer eM355-N571g32ikk Atom N570 Netbook,LINUX,1GB DDR3,320GB HDD,6-cell Battery, Bluetooth 12 Apr 2012 | 10:17 pm
eMachines by Acer eM355-N571g32ikk Atom N570 Netbook,LINUX,1GB DDR3,320GB HDD,6-cell Battery, Bluetooth  .. Price: $569.00
Oferta netbook 189€ – Agotado 29 Nov 2011 | 08:28 am
NETBOOK ASUS X101H Atom N455 1GB Memoria RAM 250GB Disco duro Sistema Operativo: Meego (por defecto) se puede instalar GNU/Linux gratis. 189€
Oferta netbook 189€ – Agotado 29 Nov 2011 | 08:28 am
NETBOOK ASUS X101H Atom N455 1GB Memoria RAM 250GB Disco duro Sistema Operativo: Meego (por defecto) se puede instalar GNU/Linux gratis. 189€
Ubuntu Linux Installer untuk Anda 18 May 2011 | 05:38 pm
Super-cepat, mudah digunakan dan bebas, kekuatan sistem operasi Ubuntu jutaan desktop, netbook dan server di seluruh dunia. Ubuntu akan bekerja dengan file pintar yang ada di PC, printer, kamera dan ...
Ubuntu Light dan Unity, distro Ubuntu linux untuk Netbook 24 May 2010 | 11:15 pm
Canonical baru saja meluncurkan lingkungan desktop baru bernama Unity pada Ubuntu Developer Summit (UDS) di Belgia pada 10 Mei 2010 kemarin. Unity akan menjadi desktop standar untuk Ubuntu 10.10 edis...
Presidents Day deal from Dell $199 Mini 9 Netbook 17 Feb 2009 | 11:05 am
Dell’s Mini 9 Netbook deal, one day only, President’s Day. These are the specs. Ubuntu Linux version 8.04.1 Obsidian Black 1Yr Ltd Warranty and Mail-In Service 512MB DDR2 at 533MHz 4GB Solid Sta...