Most linux programming blog 2011 related news are at:

Profiling Input/Output performance 21 May 2011 | 10:12 pm
There are various nice tools for program profiling when it comes to CPU usage like gprof or oprofile. Those tools will tell you exactly which functions in your code consume most CPU time, where they a...
Complexity of std::list::size() is... O(N) 27 Mar 2011 | 08:57 pm
I want to share my recent "discovery" that was very shocking to me. Reading comments to a slashdot story about the C++0x standard I read something very interesting: std::list::size() has O(N) complexi...
More linux programming blog 2011 related news:
Happy New Year – 2011! 4 Jan 2011 | 08:54 am
KoolSolutions Inc. would like to wish a very very Happy New Year to all the readers and subscribers of the Debian Ubuntu Linux Solutions Blog! Thank you for your support! 63354GYREV37
links for 2011-05-31 1 Jun 2011 | 06:01 am
Shell Programming for Beginners (tags: development tutorial howto linux programming shell) Billets sur le même sujet : links for 2009-05-11 links for 2009-09-03 links for 2011-03-04 © ericrebois...
Steam’d Penguins - Steam für Linux 18 Jul 2012 | 09:01 pm
Laut Blog wurde das 'Valve Linux Team' 2011 gegründet und besteht aktuell aus 11 Mitgliedern. Seine Aufgabe ist es die Gamingszene im Linuxumfeld zu stärken indem der Steam-Client, Valve Spiele und Pa...
Happy New Year – 2011! 4 Jan 2011 | 03:54 am
KoolSolutions Inc. would like to wish a very very Happy New Year to all the readers and subscribers of the Debian Ubuntu Linux Solutions Blog! Thank you for your support! 63354GYREV37
links for 2011-05-31 31 May 2011 | 11:01 pm
Shell Programming for Beginners (tags: development tutorial howto linux programming shell) Billets sur le même sujet :links for 2009-05-11 links for 2009-09-03 links for 2011-03-04 © ericreboisson p...
Decisioni Linux Day! 2 Sep 2011 | 06:22 am
Ebbene si, riscrivo sul blog del Plugs. Scrivo direttamente da Sassari, dove a breve terremo la riunione per decidere il da fare sul Linux Day 2011. Attualmente le prospettive sono una incognita, e co...
Visionary Honored for Technology Innovations to Support Children with Special Needs 7 Dec 2011 | 12:57 pm
This blog post is dedicated to Don Johnston and a tribute to his work in special education. It was written by John Micklos, Jr. and featured in the 2011 AEP Hall of Fame program. The post is a testam...
Lomba Penulisan Blog Kuliah IT 5 May 2012 | 10:19 pm
Lomba Blog Kuliah IT Berhadiah Tablet, Beasiswa & Voucher Jutaan Rupiah Tema Lomba : Kuliah IT Jago Linux di Program Profesi LP3T Nurul Fikri Syarat : Warga Negara Indonesia, Umur BEBAS, terbuka un...
Pertemuan Pendidikan Vokasi Berkelanjutan Angkatan ke-2 24 Oct 2011 | 01:11 am
Dalam beberapa kesempatan di BLOG Seamless Sumut ini, istilah atau sebutan program untuk D-1 bagi lulusan SMK kita namakan dengan “Seamless”. Mulai Januari 2011, istilah atau nama program “Seamless” d...
Links for 2011-04-25 [Digg] 26 Apr 2011 | 07:00 pm
izhoeld linux hosting cpanel WHM How do I manually move an account to another server? | GO Blog Izhoeld When an account is too large to feasibly move using the web browser, the following should wor...