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紧急求助 14 Mar 2009 | 04:46 pm

我把fanx2解压到c:\slax,并且修改了menu.lst 可是启动后,显示找不到到slax数据,同样的方法我在另一台计算机上完全正常,不知怎么换了一台机子就不行了。(两台机子的文件夹结构完全相同,只是硬盘类型不同,在可以运行的机子上是SATA硬盘,不能运行的是IDE硬盘。) 附:menu.lst项目 title 启动FanX2.0 GNU/Linux 系统 root (hd0,0) ...

Access MySQL prompt on DirectAdmin 12 Dec 2010 | 03:26 am

The default MySQL installations on Linux have root user as the Admin user that has full access. DirectAdmin setups another Database user da_admin as Super database user. Password for it is stored insi...

rsync Command 30 May 2012 | 05:10 am

rsync is used to perform the backup operation in UNIX / Linux. rsync utility is used to synchronize the files and directories from one location to another in an effective way. Example : Synchronize.....

Linux Rsync to Qnap 219P|| 14 Mar 2012 | 09:40 pm

過年時買了一台 Qnap 219PII , 準備用來備份機房 Linux Server 裡的 /home 資料,以下是簡單的指令 /usr/bin/rsync -rvlHpogDtS /home/ rsync@(IP)::(NAS上的目錄) 搞定收工~ 再放到 cron job 上去定時跑就好了。

Backup Windows using Linux Rsync Utility 5 Jan 2012 | 08:10 am

I have made several attempts to send this information to someone via email, and each time, it was either rejected by their mail service, or eaten by my own spam filter!  So after fighting with the mai...

Linux Rsync to windows (windows同步linux 文件解决方案 神人网亲测-实战) 1 Aug 2012 | 03:44 pm

          Linux Rsync to windows       首先安装 rsync 命令: yum install rsync 或 apt-get install rsync      vi /etc/rsyncd.conf  一般etc/是没有rsyncd.conf 要自己创建      把下面代码,复制进去                  pid file = /var/ru...

Backup Windows using Linux Rsync Utility 4 Jan 2012 | 11:10 pm

I have made several attempts to send this information to someone via email, and each time, it was either rejected by their mail service, or eaten by my own spam filter!  So after fighting with the mai...

Linux Change Root Password 24 Aug 2013 | 03:45 am

In order to change root’s password on Linux system, simply use the passwd command via a SSH client such as Putty. Below is an example: It will prompt to type new root password and then confirm the ro...

Console, Cygwin, and Windows 7 22 Oct 2009 | 01:50 pm

My DOS and Unix roots often show - I like using the command line. On all of my Windows-based systems I have Cygwin installed to provide many of the luxuries of Unix / Linux right from my windows syste...

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