Most linux terminal usb related news are at:

In The Driving Seat: GRID 2 Cockpit Mods 3 Jun 2013 | 08:48 pm
sathyabhat shared this story from Rock, Paper, Shotgun: Well, it was bound to happen. Can't wait for whiners to bitch and sa Codies are money grabbers because they didn't add this view in the retail...
In The Driving Seat: GRID 2 Cockpit Mods 3 Jun 2013 | 08:48 pm
sathyabhat shared this story from Rock, Paper, Shotgun: Well, it was bound to happen. Can't wait for whiners to bitch and sa Codies are money grabbers because they didn't add this view in the retail g...
More linux terminal usb related news:
Typing a command in your terminal can now get you a sandwich. Seriously. 18 Dec 2011 | 09:04 pm
Most of us geeks had a dream – how awesome would it be if we can get a sandwich by typing on our linux terminal. This is immortalized by the XKCD comic piece above. Now, researchers from Technical Un...
tmux Tutorial - Split Terminal Windows Easily 1 May 2012 | 07:20 am
Having just one terminal window is usually not enough. Even though having many windows (represented by tabs in Linux terminal-handling tools or by many Putty instances) can solve this problem, it is o...
Menjalankan Linux di Windows Menggunakan USB Flasdisk 3 Sep 2011 | 06:23 pm
Ada cara atau alternatif software untuk Menjalankan Linux di Windows yang lebih mudah dan juga mempunyai beberapa kelabihan lain, yaitu Linux Live USB Creator ( disingkat LiLi ). Linux Live USB Creato...
Membuat Bootable Linux dalam USB Flashdisk 26 Jul 2009 | 07:12 am
Mungkin banyak kita yang penasaran ingin mencoba berbagai distro Linux yang bisa didapatkan gratis. Tetapi kadang yang menjadi permasalahan adalah proses install yang bagi kebanyakan orang agak menyul...
Menginstal LINUX Dengan USB 14 Jul 2010 | 03:03 pm
Menginstal LINUX Dengan USB Selain Windows, sistem operasi Linux juga bisa dijalankan dari sebuah USB (flash disk). Hanya dalam 5 menit, Anda dapat menginstal Linux dari USB. Anda bisa menggunakan t...
使用 UNetBootin 建立可啟動 Live USB 隨身碟 12 Aug 2011 | 03:03 am
近年許多 GNU/Linux 都提供 LiveCD 讓使用者可以不影響電腦硬碟上的 Windows 使用光碟啟動 GNU/Linux 系統來試用。然而,許多使用者都想把 Live 系統放入 USB 隨身碟上成為可攜式 GNU/Linux。此外,不少新輕量級筆記簿型電腦都沒有提供光碟機,這 GNU/Linux 安裝光碟燒入 USB 隨身碟亦可以用來在這類電腦安裝 GNU/Linux。要將各 GNU/...
Mobiles Mini-Privacy-Linux + I2P 7 Sep 2011 | 03:43 am
Ein kleines Tutorial für ein Mini-Privacy-Linux auf USB. Nach Durchsicht verschiedener Linuxdistributionen… bin ich bei Privatix hängen geblieben. Vorteil: es ist kinderleicht, verschlüsselt auf USB ...
Terminator – Multiple GNOME terminals in one window. 16 Aug 2011 | 03:06 am
If you always or like to work with linux terminal, I really recommend you to use Terminator. Your linux terminals will be more flexible. You can add, resize or create terminals in new window in second...
The Last Few Years: What a PHP Programmer Has Learned 23 Apr 2011 | 11:00 am
Over the last few years I’ve become more familiar with multiple systems. I go over a few things that I’ve learned and the areas that I hope to improve upon over the next year. Linux Terminal Previou...
Tips for Using Bash in the Linux Terminal – Part 1 23 Oct 2010 | 10:13 pm
Introduction Bash is the default shell in the terminal on many Linux and UNIX based operating system, such as Ubuntu or Mac OS X. I’ve mentioned before as a great reference for lear...