Most linux wine related news are at:

Wine 1.7.0 Released 2 Aug 2013 | 10:00 am
The Wine development release 1.7.0 is now available. What's new in this release: Support for vertical text in the Postscript driver. Version 2 of liblcms used now instead of version 1. Unicode dat...
Wine 1.6 Released 18 Jul 2013 | 10:00 am
The Wine team is proud to announce that the stable release Wine 1.6 is now available. This release represents 16 months of development effort and around 10,000 individual changes. The main highlights...
More linux wine related news:
Wine: Ejecuta aplicaciones de Windows en Linux 9 Dec 2009 | 04:00 am
Wine se ha convertido en una de las aplicaciones más populares para los linuxeros que aún tienen en sus recuerdos los viejos programas de Windows. Con este software para Linux podremos ejecutar aplic...
My new game jam entry Raftsmith now available to download 1 May 2013 | 02:08 pm
A mini-game for Windows machines. (Might run OK in linux wine?) Any comments and feedback would be most welcome. Do you have it what it takes to survive? Raftsmith
OCR dei PDF con Linux [Wine] 2 Jul 2013 | 09:17 pm
L’Optical Character Recognition è il famoso processo per cui un software analizza una immagine di un testo (solitamente stampato) e tenta di effettuarne la conversione in un documento modificabile. Qu...
Steps to setup a Squid proxy server on Linux 5 Oct 2011 | 12:23 pm
set of steps for the Squid proxy server Linux Place Squid cache of Internet users and websites. Who is faster, less bandwidth for HTTP traffic, bandwidth charges and save -.. Or use the recorded tape...
Holy Wars, aka Vi vs Emacs 29 Mar 2010 | 09:48 pm
As a long-time Windows user, there was always something which confused me when it came to learning my trade on Linux based systems – the sheer amount of choice in apps on offer to fulfill a single tas...
Download CD/DVD Linux “Distro Nusantara IGN 2009″ 9 Nov 2009 | 04:42 pm
distro-nusantara Jika Anda suka dengan software Open Source & Legal, ada berita bagus. Hari Sabtu, 7 November 2009, Pusat Penelitian Informatika (P2I), Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI) resmi...
Paris Cafes 14 Sep 2010 | 07:14 am
Thoughts of Paris Brings Flavorful Images to the Taste Buds Everyone knows that Paris is known for its incredible food and mesmerizing wines and no one will deny that Paris is one of the most romanti...
An Introduction To Linux 28 Oct 2011 | 05:37 am
There are several forms of computer operating systems all over the place. There is the Windows operating system and there is the Windows vista. There is also another operating system referred to as Ma...
Convert .MKV to AVCHD for PlayStation 3 using Linux 15 Feb 2010 | 08:20 am
Unfortunately a MKV to AVCHD conversion solution that would be as good as mkv2vob does not currently exist for the Linux operating system. But luckily you can run the very same mkv2vob on your Linux o...
PCLinuxOS 2009.2 fits like an old pair of jeans 20 Jul 2009 | 07:16 am
Something has gone south in the recent developments of the Linux operating system. My old linux rig IBM Think T41 is experiencing significant slow downs with very latest revisions of Ubuntu, and other...