Most linux zip related news are at:

Thinkpad安装AHCI驱动 2 Aug 2013 | 06:35 am
Thinkpad X230低配电脑自带的是Windows 7的Home版本,用起来不习惯,换成了旗舰版,在安装的时候,PE会识别不了硬盘,把硬盘的SATA模式改成了兼容模式,安装之后改回AHCI之前,要先安装驱动。 下载电脑的所有驱动,这些驱动中有一个命名为SATA[g1io15ww].exe的文件,解压之后会保存在C:\DRIVERS\WIN\IRST目录下,进入PREPARE目录, 双击in...
meta robots 标签用法 3 Jul 2013 | 01:03 pm
大家在查看网站源代码的时候一定看到过类似如下的meta标签: <meta name="robots" value="index, follow"> meta标签慢慢被越来越多的搜索引擎所应用,了解meta标签,大家可以对自己的博客或网站可以进行简单的SEO配置。 index 告诉搜索引擎索引本页面,这是默认属性,如果不设置meta标签,搜索引擎默认会索引本页面。 noindex 告诉搜...
More linux zip related news:
Linux unzip command | Linux .zip file guide 19 Feb 2012 | 09:48 am
How to extract .zip files on Linux using the linux unzip command. First of all we must make sure we have the correct tool installed, this is going to vary depending on your version of Linux – I will ...
Linux unzip command | Linux .zip file guide 19 Feb 2012 | 04:48 am
How to extract .zip files on Linux using the linux unzip command. First of all we must make sure we have the correct tool installed, this is going to vary depending on your version of Linux – I will c...
Steps to setup a Squid proxy server on Linux 5 Oct 2011 | 12:23 pm
set of steps for the Squid proxy server Linux Place Squid cache of Internet users and websites. Who is faster, less bandwidth for HTTP traffic, bandwidth charges and save -.. Or use the recorded tape...
Flash Portfolio Website CMS - MotoCMS 13 Jan 2012 | 12:35 am
Flash Portfolio Website CMS - MotoCMS SWF | FLA | XML | PHP | PSD | ZIP | 107MB With Moto Flash CMS you will get an opportunity to create a professional, fully editable and extensible Flash website. ...
Zip Zap 26 May 2012 | 02:24 am
Sparks are gonna fly in this lightning-fast card game! Quickly rid your hand of cards by playing numbers in order. Lay down a run and consider yourself in the zone. But don't get caught ZZZZ-ing or el...
Holy Wars, aka Vi vs Emacs 29 Mar 2010 | 09:48 pm
As a long-time Windows user, there was always something which confused me when it came to learning my trade on Linux based systems – the sheer amount of choice in apps on offer to fulfill a single tas...
Download CD/DVD Linux “Distro Nusantara IGN 2009″ 9 Nov 2009 | 04:42 pm
distro-nusantara Jika Anda suka dengan software Open Source & Legal, ada berita bagus. Hari Sabtu, 7 November 2009, Pusat Penelitian Informatika (P2I), Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI) resmi...
Restaurant City 0.36.3 Database (取得食材/物品/亂答/解除食譜) 9 Sep 2010 | 03:46 am
叮囑各位: 強烈建議使用分身進行!fREE2 不保證這修改日後可繼續正常運行,使用涉及風險,被鎖帳號,請閣下自負! 相關檔案: 大腦一個 建議使用 Chrome 瀏覽器.官方載點 (如果你用Chrome不能用,請嘗試其他瀏覽器) Fiddler Web Debugger (Fiddler2).載點一載點一.載點二.載點三 **注意:以下...
Restaurant City 0.35.2 Database (取得食材/物品/亂答/解除食譜) 2 Sep 2010 | 07:29 am
叮囑各位: 強烈建議使用分身進行!fREE2 不保證這修改日後可繼續正常運行,使用涉及風險,被鎖帳號,請閣下自負! 相關檔案: 大腦一個 建議使用 Chrome 瀏覽器.官方載點 (如果你用Chrome不能用,請嘗試其他瀏覽器) Fiddler Web Debugger (Fiddler2).載點一載點一.載點二.載點三 **注意:以下...
Restaurant City 0.33.2 Database (取得食材/物品/亂答/解除食譜) 18 Aug 2010 | 02:24 am
叮囑各位: 強烈建議使用分身進行!fREE2 不保證這修改日後可繼續正常運行,使用涉及風險,被鎖帳號,請閣下自負! 相關檔案: 大腦一個 建議使用 Chrome 瀏覽器.官方載點 (如果你用Chrome不能用,請嘗試其他瀏覽器) Fiddler Web Debugger (Fiddler2).載點一載點一.載點二.載點三 **注意:以下...