Most linux zip files newer than related news are at:

Screenshot Grabbing 12 Dec 2010 | 06:09 am
Using imagemagick imagemagick is a collection of tools and libraries for image manipulation. Most distribustions come with imagemagick . To take a snapshot using Imagemagic: import -window root scr...
Encrypt Filesystems 12 Dec 2010 | 06:05 am
If you are using modules you need to load these first: modprobe loop;modprobe cryptoloop;modprobe cipher-aes Basically you: losetup -e aes -k 256 /dev/loop0 /dev/partition You will be asked for a pa...
More linux zip files newer than related news:
Linux unzip command | Linux .zip file guide 19 Feb 2012 | 09:48 am
How to extract .zip files on Linux using the linux unzip command. First of all we must make sure we have the correct tool installed, this is going to vary depending on your version of Linux – I will ...
Linux unzip command | Linux .zip file guide 19 Feb 2012 | 04:48 am
How to extract .zip files on Linux using the linux unzip command. First of all we must make sure we have the correct tool installed, this is going to vary depending on your version of Linux – I will c...
Howto: Crack Rar, 7z, and zip files with RarCrack in Ubuntu Linux 13 Apr 2008 | 02:46 am
hi guest, pada artikel ini saya akan ngomongin gmn cara ngecrack password file rar/zip/7z sekaligus kita belajar & tugas writing bahasa inggris OK! Title: Howto: Crack Rar, 7z, and zip files with Ra...
How to extract tar.gz files in Linux 24 Dec 2010 | 11:03 am
When we play with the windows, we often find. zip file or. rar, which we have to extract them first, so we can access files in it. So also with Linux, especially Ubuntu. Applications and other softwa...
Best Compression, Archiving and zipping techniques in LINUX! 20 Sep 2010 | 04:47 pm
Various file formats Compression , archiving , zipping and encoding are some of the keywords which you might have listen when you deal with huge amount of data, or you deal with systematic data and w...
PHP 参考手册:PHP Zip File 函数 17 Sep 2012 | 11:53 am
文章目录PHP Zip File 简介安装在 Linux 系统上安装在 Windows 系统上安装PHP Zip File 函数PHP Zip File 常量 PHP Zip File 简介 压缩文件函数允许我们读取压缩文件。 安装 如需在服务器上运行 Zip File 函数,必须安装这些库: Guido Draheim 的 ZZIPlib 库:下载 ZZIPlib 库 Zip PELC 扩展:下...
Final Part - Customizing AWS Elastic Beanstalk 13 Mar 2013 | 03:53 am
Download link is provided to a zip file containing suite of Linux Bash scripts that can be used for automating AWS Elastic Beanstalk Environment.
Cara membuka file tar.gz dan .zip di Ubuntu 7 Jun 2010 | 11:33 am
Ini adalah contoh yang penah aku lakukan so,ini sebagai notaku untuk dikongsikan bersama. Untuk cekap berinteraksi dengan ubuntu atau linux kita kena selalu berinteraksi hehehe~so caranya dengan menai...
Create a .zip or .tar.gz archive in Ubuntu Linux (command line) 18 Aug 2011 | 10:44 am
With Gnome, this is as easy as opening a file browser > select file(s) > right click > Compress… Here are the simple cases for the command line. For many more advanced options, check the man pages f...
Linux 下使用 NMON 分析系统性能 31 Aug 2009 | 11:06 pm
下载相应 CPU 类型的版本: wget unzip Archive: nmon_x86_1...