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Quel matelas choisir? Besoin d'aide? 7 May 2013 | 05:35 pm
Choisir le bon matelas n’est pas toujours simple. Lequel choisir ? Un matelas très ferme ou souple ? Des ressorts ou du latex ? Et si je souffre de maux de dos ? Nous vous aidons en quelques question...
Ce weekend on change d'heure! 29 Mar 2013 | 04:48 pm
Le passage à l’heure d’été aura lieu ce dimanche 31 mars. A 2 heures du matin, il sera 3 heures. Une heure perdue, Matelsom vous offre 4.16% de remise sur toute commande passée ce weekend. Venez vite...
More literature related news:
Libraries of the Future – session 3, plenary question and answer 3 Apr 2009 | 04:50 am
Question Time – chaired by Professor Vincent Gillespie, JRR Tolkien Professor of English Literature and Language, University of Oxford Q: How can students currently in LIS and i-school programmes ens...
Levantine literature: translated by the enemy. 25 Dec 2009 | 02:24 am
Merry Christmas Eve to those of you who are celebrating, and for those of you commemorating Ashoura, I hope that it is an opportunity for reflection for you. (And I hope that you are as pleased as I a...
The Rise of Historical Criticism 8 Jan 2008 | 06:21 am
Historical criticism nowhere occurs as an isolated fact in the civilisation or literature of any people. It is part of that complex working towards freedom which may be described as the revolt against...
Die Führungskraft als Coach? 1 Jun 2011 | 12:14 am
Referent Markus Classen (Bild: C. Klant) Coaching als Führungsstil wird in der Literatur oft erwähnt und ist ein schillerndes Beispiel für die Verwässerung des Coaching-Begriffs. Dabei gibt es wesent...
Fabula 2012 - Literature sveta 25 Feb 2012 | 08:17 am
Med 27. 10. 3. bo že devetič potekal literarni festival "Literature sveta - Fabula 2012".
Festival season: Manchester Food and Drink Festival 13 Sep 2011 | 08:34 am
copyright Edge Street Events Yes, festival season is upon us. Autumn in Manchester sees Manchester Food and Drink Festival, Great Northern Contemporary Craft Fair, Buy Art Fair, Manchester Literature...
Ballet Pumps Are Universal Footwear 26 Oct 2011 | 08:35 pm
Different people have different interests. Some are keen on cinema, some adore literature, some love fashion. Those who are particular fans of footwear stand out from other fashion-lovers. They probab...
Tourist place of Nammakkal (around) 5 Jan 2011 | 06:47 pm
Tourist Place around Namakkal The Kolli Hills are featured in several works of classical Tamil literature such as Silappathigaram, Manimekalai, Purananuru and Ainkurnuru. The region was ruled by Valv...
The Health Benefits of Duku Fruit 13 Aug 2011 | 02:14 am
The Health Benefits of Duku Fruit The Duku Fruit (Lansium Domesticum Corr) is derived from woody plant that lives chronic. The tree is estimated native from Indonesia. Others say duku literature come...
Bonding with Mark 19 Dec 2010 | 07:48 am
I apologize for the slow post ratio. Finals have been keeping me busy. Speaking of which, this semester, one of the classes I took was NT 6221: Synoptic Gospels & Johannine Literature, with Grant Os...