Most little dude on facebook related news are at:

mika & rebecca: married 20 Aug 2013 | 08:42 am
as i was going through this wedding trying to choose what to post, i couldn’t help but be drawn back to this moment. again and again. the day was full of meaning and beautiful details (all of which ...
craig & laura: married 15 Aug 2013 | 09:45 am
i loved this wedding. i knew i was going to. was it the gorgeous weather? the perfect details? the super fun bridal party? the most genuine and sweet bride? the handsome groom who knows how to ma...
More little dude on facebook related news:
The six little fish and Facebook 17 Jun 2010 | 07:46 pm
I just got back from the Geo-Local Smackdown with @Dylan Clendenin and @Alex Levinson. Riffing on my thoughts from yesterday regarding the industry as an ecosphere and software as organisms this is h...
Christmas Party......Community Corrections Style 12 Dec 2011 | 04:53 pm
This weekend, the little dudes, my step-daughter, and I spent some time in Great Falls visiting the Former Supposed Spouse. He has been released from the State Prison and is now residing in a Transiti...
Something wonderful – with Supercell 21 Feb 2012 | 08:03 pm
Petri’s work can be soon heard in few projects released later this year by Supercell. This time, the first in line, there’s quite something else under the loupe: funny little dudes. With their guns. A...
Yeah. I'm here. 7 Feb 2012 | 03:32 am
Image courtesy of Maku Deco Just letting you know I have a lot on at present and stuff, but I am still creating my weird little dudes which will make their way onto Etsy in the next couple of weeks....
to my sweet littlest big boy, 2 Dec 2011 | 09:22 pm
i love you, little dude. it's 2:30am, and you're fast asleep beside me. technically it's december 2, but you don't know that yet. to you, it's still the first. which, i suppose, makes you both four a...
what's naptime? 26 Sep 2011 | 02:29 pm
yesterday we were home for just long enough for stockton to have a nap. we'd been out rock climbing with friends all morning and of course the little dude didn't want to sleep through any of the excit...
Facebook SNAFU 28 Aug 2009 | 08:55 am
I got a little obsessed with Facebook after joining earlier this week. (I'm sick and it's a been way to entertain myself when I can't sleep due to postnasal horribleness, for example.) But the univer...
some little things about facebook? 24 Oct 2010 | 11:06 am
1. 'Class Year' is the year of your graduation, not your admission year. Eg.: Class of 2010 means you graduated or will be graduating in 2010. 2. You are not supposed to say 'Interested in: men AND w...
Check out Mah New Blog 4 Aug 2009 | 05:12 am
I started a new blog to post funny stories & updates about my Mother-In-Law who is fighting Inflammatory Breast Cancer, so check it out:) P.S. My little dude started Kin...
Day 6 – Article Submission 27 Feb 2010 | 10:40 pm
Cool Little Dude Hey, so today I’ve bean busy, article submission to ezinearticles, goarticles, articlebase, not only that I also submitted 2 articles to UAW. Bookmarked the last 2 remaining pages ...