Most little women beth illness related news are at: – DUNCAN CROSS - ill. humored.DUNCAN CROSS

Ask Dr. Science: Why Don’t Sharks Get Cancer? 5 Aug 2013 | 06:31 pm

Dear Dr. Science, I have heard that sharks do not get cancer. Why is that? Andrew W. Lexington, KY Dear Andrew, That is a good question, but probably not the question you thought you were askin...

PFAM: Social Media 25 Jul 2013 | 06:59 pm

Leslie at Getting Closer to Myself has an interesting prompt for last month’s PFAM, which is now August’s PFAM, that goes like this: first, answer the question, “What can you say about your illness in...

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Villagers Kill Bushbaby Thinking It Is An Evil Spirit 29 Jun 2012 | 10:26 am

The Tikoloshe is a troubling spirit of Zulu mythology known for raping women, causing illness, scaring children and biting off people’s toes. It seems that this legend went a little too far, though. ...

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