Most lizzy dear blog related news are at:

Lipstick Lineup 23 Aug 2013 | 12:46 am
MAC and NARS lineup: MAC Girl About Town/MAC So Chaud/Nars Red Lizard/MAC Overtime/MAC Please Me/Nars Schiap/MAC Vegas Volt/MAC Myth/MAC Impassioned Somedays I am lucky to get ready for the day, but ...
Kelly Purkey Kit// Blog Hop 19 Aug 2013 | 08:27 pm
Mah gurl, Kelly Purkey, puts together some killer kits at Simon Says Stamp including her exclusive products! She sent me the August/September kit and it was perfect mix of products to coordinate with ...
More lizzy dear blog related news: 15 Jun 2011 | 03:46 pm
Hello dear blog and friends. This is just a quick post for my brother that I have been meaning to get up! I have not forgotten my blog or all my dear friends who's blogs I have been missing so much. T...
Company Trip 9 Jun 2011 | 05:44 pm
Assalamu’alaikum, ogenki desuka? Dear Blog, Wew..wew…wew I’m coming back :D , mau pamer-pamer dulu *gPentingDe* habis ke bandung bulan kemaren, saatnya saia mengikuti company trip yang diadakan grou...
Ngegembel @Bandung 10 May 2011 | 07:38 pm
Assalamu’alaikum..ogenki desu ka? Dear Blog..i’m coming back :D Wo..wo..wo.., setelah sekian lama tidak backpacker dan merasakan hawa kebebasan, weekend panjang bulan kemaren. cewek-cewek kantor memut...
Daily Activity 23 Feb 2011 | 02:34 pm
Dear Blog, Assalamu’alaikum, Ogenki desu ka, First of All gomennasei, mohon maaf dulu atas ketidak updetan ku :p, maklum buntu mau update apaan coz, ya beginilah daily activity begitu2 aja, tapi masi...
This Blog Has A Page Rank! 3 Apr 2009 | 03:29 am
Hey my friends, I just discovered that this blog has been ranked. Yippee! Yeah, although it’s only a teeny-weeny PR1, LOL, but it’s a big mile-stone for my dear blog after a few months’ of writing...
Potato Kale Soup with Quinoa 15 Nov 2011 | 09:39 am
Oh my I have been horribly distracted from my dear blog this last week or so and I have missed it terribly! I have been feverishly working on wrapping up my final projects for school, which are many ...
Dear blog…. we need to catch up. 17 Feb 2012 | 12:54 am
Long night tonight? It’s about to be – I am feeling pretty inspired… and since I’m just putting this creative energy to use by being snarkee on Facebook.Telling you what all’s new– ’cause it’s some se...
Life is Good. And Less Windy. 3 Feb 2011 | 05:27 pm
{Where Aggie gives Cyclone Yasi the middle finger .. then ducks for cover} I’ve updated everywhere except here, so now it’s your turn, dear blog readers. Things got a little scary during the night, b...
Dear Life, today I want to write a blogpost... 19 Jun 2011 | 01:51 am
Dear Blog, I know you're still out there waiting to be updated about what's going on in my little world...well, the days are not long enough around this time. Days are running by, so are the weeks and...
SEKOLAH ALAM BINTARO 9 Mar 2012 | 06:14 pm
Assalamualaikum, Dear Blog….. Ga terasa Haidar umurnya dah 3 Tahun aja…Tahun ini Aku dan Suami berencana menyekolahkan Haidar a.k.a masukin Haidar ke Playgroup. Alasannya karena Haidar sepertinya haru...