Most load of crap related news are at:

India Inc’s Europe investments stood at $56 bn in 2003-12 26 Aug 2013 | 11:40 pm
Indian companies have invested €43 billion ($56 billion) across Europe between 2003-2012, of which €29 billion was mergers & acquisitions of 411 companies. About €14 billion was invested across 511 pr...
India and Kuwait bilateral trade crosses US$ 17.63 billion 26 Aug 2013 | 11:35 pm
The Indian community in Kuwait has contributed to the latter’s development and to bilateral relations between the countries. The bilateral trade between the two nations crossed US$ 17.63 billion durin...
More load of crap related news:
Saturation point. 11 Jul 2010 | 05:38 am
Full. To the brim. Of what? I don't know. A load of crap? Partially. Where do I begin? It's too bloody much. Both to tell, and to handle. I don't want them to hate each other. I hate being torn apa...
Mumbai's resilience - what a load of crap! 15 Jul 2011 | 07:31 am
I think it’s high time someone called off this bullshit concept of Mumbai’s resilience and Mumbai’s spirit. Let’s be honest – we are not resilient, and we wouldn’t recognize our spirit if it came in a...
Thunderbird 5.0, what a load of crap. 12 Jul 2011 | 09:00 am
No not the Gerry Anderson one, sadly. But the pile of crap that Mozilla has released as the update to Thunderbird 3. No I’m not sure what happened to 4 either. Inbox keeps crashing, no idea why. Basic...
Now Is Not The Time For Civil Discourse 18 Jan 2011 | 05:26 am
Because that’s just a load of crap. LOTS of folks linking to Don Surber’s post on the left figuring out that speech can be used against them as well, and their obvious reaction to ban it. My free sp...
Does No Contact Work? After A Breakup? 6 Mar 2011 | 07:24 am
No contact is a load of crap... when I ignored my girl, the only thing that happened was her getting pissed off at me... The only thing I did was make her dislike me more and give her a better reason...
These Icons Look Like Crap – Poopy Social Media Icons 17 Feb 2010 | 06:03 am
Social media often seems like a load of crap, so I’m releasing these Poopy Social Icons: 36 different icons in 3 crappy sizes: 48×48, 64×64, 128×128. Feel free to use the Poopy Social Media Icons on ...
A plea to Scouts: Don’t let the ‘bad guys’ win 30 Jan 2013 | 06:51 pm
Really? "Don't let the 'bad guys' win?" What a load of crap!! Equating being Gay with being 'bad' is the lowest and basest form of attack I can think of, short of calling someone a racist without any ...
Multiverse – The Recent Challange 24 Apr 2013 | 08:36 am
I have been very quite lately, and it’s not without cause. I have been busy working on crap. Loads of crap. School, work, and well… more work. This term of college is causing many time issues. But, I ...
Altruisms VS Compounding Interest 10 Jun 2013 | 06:57 pm
Let’s be honest folks, this whole concept that crime doesn’t pay when it comes to using performance-enhancing drugs in baseball, it’s a load of crap. Crime sure does pay. If it didn’t, players would b...
Gatchaman Crowds 06: What a LOAD of Crap 22 Aug 2013 | 03:35 pm
She is apparently Hajime. I had not been informed. You know, I’m starting to feel pretty hoodwinked by Gatchaman Crowds Look, it’s not as though this episode isn’t head and shoulders over most shows...