Most long lost related news are at:
William L Kelly Sr Youth Scrapbook 24 Jun 2013 | 08:35 pm
This is the scrapbook created by my grandfather, William L. Kelly, Sr. at the age of 10 years. William L Kelly Sr - youth scrapbook age 10 from Susan Petersen
The Organized Genealogist - My New Blog and a Discussion Group 20 May 2013 | 08:25 pm
Note: This is a duplicate post from my new blog, The Organized Genealogist. It has been quite a week at The Organized Genealogist! What started out as "just another blog" and Facebook group has creat...
More long lost related news:
How To Track Down A Long-Lost Ex 31 Aug 2011 | 06:55 pm
I wanted to put as much distance between my ex boyfriend and myself When relationships end badly, people sometimes have a tendency to move on, forget about the other person, and try to eliminate all ...
How To Reconnect with Lost Friends & Family Through Online Search 31 Aug 2011 | 06:42 pm
Finding long-lost family members can be quite an undertaking When my family immigrated to the United States two generations ago, they left behind a lot of their old lives. Among the things lost were ...
A New World of Resources 24 May 2011 | 05:04 pm
Last year I attacked a long lost black sheep of the Rails family, ActionMailer. This was because I had a project that needed to use email and I found the current implementation, shall we say, somewhat...
Long Lost Passion 12 Apr 2011 | 11:45 pm
Belakangan, tepatnya setahun terakhir, aku sering merasa begini: bila ingin suasana tenang buat bekerja atau membaca, dan kantor ataupun rumah bukanlah jawabannya, maka aku akan berpikir tentang ka...
A New Decade 10 Feb 2012 | 02:00 am
Hello, long lost blog friends. It's me. Do you remember me? Here's a recent photo just in case you have forgotten about me. I wouldn't blame you, after all. It's been almost six months. Lots of ...
People are becoming Facebook friends with old classmates, long lost cousins and the neighbour across the street. Teens especiallyseem to have a tendency to add almost everyone to their friends list th...
Arkandian Legends Chapter 2 - Revenant 4 Mar 2012 | 11:31 am
Aided by your new friend Billy, crawl down into the deepest of dungeons and recover long lost artifacts, use them to destroy your enemies personally or even equip them onto you personal army and engag...
Immortals (2011) 5 Nov 2011 | 11:56 am
The brutal and bloodthirsty King Hyperion (Mickey Rourke) and his murderous Heraklion army are rampaging across Greece in search of the long lost Bow of Epirus Theseus is a mortal man chosen by Zeus ...
The Top iPhone Games List Because the Best RPGs and Tupac Suck 30 Nov 2008 | 05:29 am
It's been awhile so I felt I needed to add something to this long lost and now totally pointless site. What to add... Well, it is at heart a gaming site. In the past six months my Wii has seen Guitar ...
Secret.. 3 Aug 2011 | 10:32 pm
Do you have a secret, A secret hidden deep within you, Fearing it would come out some day, N force you to bid your normal life adieu, Do you have a secret, A secret long lost, Having wished to r...