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More long polling related news:
WordPress Chat Plugin 9 Mar 2011 | 02:18 am
I’m working on a new plugin that, like title say, will let you chat with your blog visitors in real-time. I’ts a new concept chat, not a long polling chat, that uses new technologies (Node.js, Faye an...
Long polling in Node.js 22 May 2010 | 01:19 am
Note: Node is currently under heavy development and the API is in a state of flux. This article was written to be compatible with v0.1.95, the most recent version of Node at the time. The examples in ...
Poll: Choose The Next GEFS Aircraft 2 Jul 2011 | 12:28 am
Based on your suggestions, I made this (very long) poll so we can narrow down the results to just one candidate. Sorry for the huge list but I did not want to leave anybody out. I would like to stress...
Heroku "Celadon Cedar" review 4 Jun 2011 | 07:20 am
Heroku just released a new version of their hosting service for Ruby on Rails. It’s called Celadon Cedar, and it adds support for arbitrary background processes, Node.js servers and long-polling over ...
Server Push: Long Polling usando PHP 11 Jun 2012 | 05:36 am
Há situações em que precisamos obter uma resposta de um servidor a cada X intervalo de tempo. Alguns programadores criam rotinas que ficam perguntando para o servidor toda hora. O problema dessa abord...
Long polling in Node.js 21 May 2010 | 09:19 pm
Note: Node is currently under heavy development and the API is in a state of flux. This article was written to be compatible with v0.1.95, the most recent version of Node at the time. The examples in ...
也谈基于http的“服务器推”技术 – nodejs 16 Oct 2012 | 03:49 am
最近项目要上一个消息实时推送的功能,类似微博的私信聊天,客户端计划还是用传统的ajax,http长轮询(http long polling)来实现。至于服务端就有点复杂,阻塞连接并轮询显然是一个比较笨的方法,比较靠谱的做法是能操作web服务器的连接句柄,有消息过来就立即返回给客户端并关闭连接,公司倒是有现成的方案,但成本较高,其他方案要想部署到生产环境需要大量的调研和实践才可以。 粗略研究了一下,...
Spring MVC 3.2 DeferredResult and long polling 4 Jun 2013 | 01:11 pm
唉...博客四个月没更过了...本来不想说,但是...但是...最近真的很忙啊...眼看再过一个月多点就要升级当爹了...不废话了,说正事,因为最近项目中需要在浏览器上做一个实时监控的功能,目前实现这玩意的方式及框架也挺多的,感觉都挺麻烦的,也不想引入过多的框架进来,尽量在现有的框架上实现,起初用的是ExtJS direct中的polling方式,设置成一秒拉一次数据,后来发现这玩意请求数太多了,...
Browser和Server持续同步的几种方式(jQuery) 6 Mar 2013 | 03:18 am
Polling vagy Long Polling 16 Jul 2013 | 12:33 am
Ha valaki már próbálkozott chatet, vagy más valós eseményeken alapuló alkalmazást írni, PHP-HTML-Javascript környezetben, akkor biztosan találkozott már a Polling, Long Polling technikával. Rövid isme...