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More longest hair ever related news:
Nouveautés Avon 30 Mar 2007 | 09:27 am
Des cils XXL ! LONGEST LASHES EVER Le mascara 2 en 1 Mascara à 2 embouts pour des cils allongés au maximum : d’un côté, une base pour étirer les cils à l’infini, de l’autre, un mascara pour gain...
Lady Gaga's Films Longest Video Ever For 'Marry The Night' (November) 23 Dec 2011 | 06:15 am
In November Lady Gaga released the video for 'Marry The Night', which was her longest to date and the first which the singer had directed herself. In an interview, Lady Gaga said the video was about b...
The Longest Advent Ever 17 Dec 2007 | 12:11 pm 28 Dec 2010 | 01:04 pm
I've been missing on blogging for the longest time ,ever !! I'll be back...sooon !
Longest. Post. Ever. 9 Aug 2011 | 11:45 am
HELLO ALL!! Phew, it’s been far too long since I last posted. This post is a doozy, so feel free to scroll around as you please Side note: I am ADDICTED to vitamin water zero. As you can see… I...
LONG COLD WINTER 8 Apr 2010 | 02:49 pm
it had to have been the longest winter ever. I simply could not keep up blogging and living at the same time (poor me right?) no really, I was out of control sick with sinus mess! Thankfully I found a...
Hair 3 Dec 2011 | 12:12 pm
Charlotte has the cutest blonde curly hair ever. However, it's also the most unruly hair as well. Charlotte isn't any help. I try my best to put her hair in cute do's but moments later Charlotte wi...
Longest Post EVER! 23 May 2012 | 01:56 pm
Hey wonderful people! WOW! So it has been a while, hasnt it? Gosh I am so sorry that I went MIA! I have seriously missed you all a ton. Goodness gracious, where to even begin? This year has been the m...
Binkies, Bibs and Wipes oh my... 30 Oct 2008 | 08:18 pm
Well we are counting down the days until the big arrival...this seems to be the longest month EVER! But it does give me some time to finish up last minute projects for the shop. I have been busy in ba...
THE LONGEST UPDATE EVER. =| 12 Apr 2010 | 09:47 am
I'm officially touching a lot of important milestones. FIRSTLY, I FINISHED GIVING MY BOARD EXAMS WOOOOOHHHOOOO. Secondly, I'm 16 in less than a week. Thirdly, me and Lalu're completing a year soon. ...