Most longest lego ever made related news are at:

Chinese Designer Combines Babies and Pets, Creates Disturbing Baby-Pets 27 Aug 2013 | 02:00 pm
What if combining human and animal DNA wasn’t illegal, nor did it violate moral or ethical codes of conduct? What if technology allowed us to create hybrids between babies and pets that were still bio...
The Incredibly Lifelike Charcoal Portraits of Douglas McDougall 27 Aug 2013 | 01:00 pm
Scottish artist Douglas McDougall uses charcoal, sandpaper and scalpel blades to create his amazingly realistic portraits of friends and people he finds interesting. Douglas McDougall learned how to ...
More longest lego ever made related news:
another giveaway coming soon 30 Nov 2010 | 01:54 am
Soon, I will be doing another review and giveaway for CSN Stores, purveyors of pretty much everything -- sling backpacks, snow booties for dogs (no joke) and the coolest Lego sets ever made (I want th...
Lady Gaga MARRYS THE NIGHT In Her Longest Music Video Ever Made… 3 Dec 2011 | 07:18 am
Now the thing is…I really do like Lady Gaga. She has a brilliant voice, huge talent and a wonderful personality, but this music video for her latest single ‘Marry The Night‘ has left my heart disputin...
Lego Millennium Falcon Blast Off Home 9 Dec 2008 | 12:23 pm
Lego Millennium Falcon Receives Accolades for the Holiday This fall LEGO is going to unleash its biggest set ever made and it will be the coolest & fastest starship in the galaxy, Han Solo's Mill...
Our Trip to Utah, or the Longest Post I've Ever Made 23 Aug 2013 | 07:19 am
School started for us on Monday. Summer vacation is officially over and here I am still blogging about June. I know being two months behind is pretty standard for me, but I always have high hopes of c...
The LEGO story video 21 Aug 2012 | 12:32 am
As a kid I used to spend hours and hours playing with my LEOGs…sspecially the outer space set (don’t remember the exact name of the box set). LEGO is one of the best ever toys made and... [[ This is ...
Fluid card announces its longest ever balance transfer 16 Apr 2013 | 04:32 pm
THE FLUID credit card has launched its longest ever balance transfer credit card for new customers. The card now offers up to two years borrowing at 0% on balance transfers made within the first 60 da...
Before August Ends 26 Aug 2013 | 06:25 pm
I wanted to post at least one picture before I become the worst blogger ever. He said, "Look, Mom! I made Lego Wonder Woman into a Photographer like you!"