Most low level warrior tanking related news are at:

Loading Up the Kodo 25 Sep 2012 | 01:38 am
I just wanted to toss out a quick note here, with a longer post to follow somewhere down the road…I have server transferred Linedan, the titular Panzercow of this blog and the smiling (?) face you see...
Reports of His Demise… (Part I) (Beltar RP) 8 Sep 2012 | 06:15 am
(This story came out of the convergence of two things. One is the Feathermoon Peace Summit, a bit of RP that’s happening tonight, Friday 7 September, in Dalaran; a group of PCs from both factions wil...
More low level warrior tanking related news:
NMEA2000® Fresh Water Tank Level Sender 4 Jan 2011 | 12:45 am
High ±2% Accuracy No moving parts to stick or fail Self Calibrating Stores Tank Name and Tank Shape data Tank depths from 200mm to 2 Metres Up to 16 Fresh Water senders on a single network Low T...
Warrior Leveling Guide 15 Dec 2010 | 12:37 pm
Some players really enjoy tanking and see no problem in leveling their Warrior as a Protection Warrior. Shield Slam and Revenge do decent damage and also Shockwave is nice at later levels. If you want...
Profession Guide – Warrior 6 Aug 2010 | 01:31 pm
Warriors are the main tanking class in World of Warcraft but they can also be good dps, depending on the spec they choose. They wear mail armor while leveling and on the 40th level they get to wear pl...
*PENDING* DK Tank application 6 Jul 2009 | 10:54 am
Your Name: Rasmus Age: 17 Nationality: Swedish Describe yourself with 3 words: Outgoing, Crazy, happy Character Name: Höstacken Class: Troll Level: 80 Professions: Inspcription & BS (low lvl on...
Are you daily forgetting to switch of your motor, use Ideabotics waterlevel controller 11 Jul 2013 | 06:27 pm
Ideabotics Waterlevel Controller controls the automatic switching of your motor. It is an automatic switch. When the water level in your tank is low, it switches on your motor and when the tank is ful...
How to make a simple water tank level gauge 21 Aug 2013 | 12:10 am
There are many ways of making gauge levels for water tanks as well as a few commercially available options. Here is a very simple and effective DIY method of making a low cost water level checker for...