Most lower east side fashion related news are at:

This is the cutest baby ever 30 Jul 2011 | 02:35 am
Allison's neice Ellia. And this is just a photo of a screen shot: OMG
2 ETHiCAL LOOKS We're LOVING 19 Nov 2009 | 07:22 am
It's been a while since we've done an ethical/eco fashion story, but after stumbling upon Ascension boutique, we couldn't resist. Here are two looks we've pieced together from the online boutique. Th...
More lower east side fashion related news:
New York Limo Service Tours 14 Jan 2012 | 11:18 am
New York City Lights: See New York when it sparkles – the Empire State Building, Greenwich Village, SoHo, Chinatown, the Lower East Side, Rockefeller Center, Manhattan Bridge, Brooklyn and more. Upt...
Jazz Still Jumps in the East Village, If You Know Where to Find It 6 Mar 2012 | 11:14 am
Date: January 5, 2012 Publication: New York Times After opening in May, the Moldy Fig quickly made a mark on the East Village-Lower East Side jazz scene. By booking both highly regarded veterans.....
Audyssey Lower East Side Media speakers 20 May 2012 | 06:37 am
Audyssey, without a doubt, impressed me when I reviewed their “Lower East Side Media” speakers. I was blown away when I saw how small these speakers were, and how big the sound was. Not only do their...
Marvel at Manhattanhenge … and other monumental alignments 30 May 2012 | 03:30 pm
Manhattanhenge sounds like it's maybe a druid-themed bar on the Lower East Side or something, but the phenomenon is actually more natural and akin to its. A county spokesman called the books "se...
WarZone – Lower East Side Crew part I 28 Jul 2009 | 06:15 am
This where it all started for me! This is the first ever Revelation Records release and it was also my first ever Revelation (REV) release to put into my collection. Small back-story - Rev was started...
Madame X 13 Sep 2008 | 03:21 am
As expected I arrive first at Madame X, a W. Houston Street lounge with bordello ambiance on New York’s Lower East Side. Any lighting seems to be quickly absorbed into the red-painted walls, making th...
NYC Day 2: Atlas Cafe, Mani/Pedis, and Pure Food and Wine 24 May 2011 | 03:06 am
In case you missed it, check out my NYC Day 1 post. Moving on to day 2! Our second day in NYC started rather deliciously! Steve and I had lunch on the lower east side at Atlas Cafe. Steve chose the P...
Once upon a time, the Horrors played a show in my tiny Lower East Side apartment. Well... they played one song before the cops and fire dept showed up because someone decided to use a smoke machine an...
CAPTURED by Clayton Patterson 23 Mar 2011 | 06:50 am
Clayton Patterson has been collecting photo and video shots of the Lower East Side of Manhattan since 1979. Back in 2008, he decided to use all these archives to build the documentary Captured, descri...
Jason Schwartzman 1 Mar 2011 | 09:12 am
Who wants his son to grow up with the image of a father wearing a moustache? It obviously is the biggest gentleman of all time, spotted in Lower East Side, taking out his little dog... Of course Mr J...