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– Underworld Shakedown
Sun Of Nothing - The Guilt Of Feeling Alive [CTS, 2010] 3 Jun 2011 | 10:37 pm
Following their previous two masterpieces, Sun of Nothing, the spearhead of Greek sonic extremity’s vanguard, are ready to release in collaboration with CTS Productions their third full length album, ...
Planet Of Zeus - Macho Libre [B-Otherside, 2011] 3 Jun 2011 | 10:26 pm
Planet Of Zeus were formed back in 2000,when Babis and Yog decided that they could not express themselves within the bands they had played til then. Two years later the band was eventually established...
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Lumiere Brother- Fiction (and his real past) 26 Jan 2010 | 10:53 am
Στην 20δα μου με τα άλμπουμ του 2009 έβαλα 2 ελληνικά άλμπουμ. Το ένα από αυτά ήταν το Fiction απο τον Lumiere Brother. Ενα ποπ άλμπουμ που δεν έχει κιθάρες, ούτε ηλεκτρικές, ούτε ακουστικές. Έχει π...