Most lupe fiasco anti obama related news are at:

Mishka 2013 Fall Collection Lookbook 26 Aug 2013 | 02:58 am
NY-clothier Mishka brings us digital prints inspired by 90s-themed video games in the upcoming season’s collection of clothing. The 2013 Fall collection lookbook contains many wovens, shirts, hoodies,...
Rihanna x RSVP Gallery by Kristen Noel Gipson 25 Aug 2013 | 10:58 am
Rihanna shares her trip to Chicago high-end boutique RSVP Gallery during her night here for her 2013 Diamonds World Tour via Instagram. The photos were taken by Buyer and Head of VIP Relations for RSV...
More lupe fiasco anti obama related news:
Lupe Fiasco escorted off stage after anti-Obama rap at inauguration celebration 23 Jan 2013 | 01:54 am
Lupe Fiasco reportedly created a bit of a row on Sunday by insulting President Obama during an inaugural event. Although Fiasco was booked as the headliner for the StartUp RockOn concert in celebratio...
Lupe Fiasco Kicked Off Stage During An Inauguration Party After Criticizing Obama 22 Jan 2013 | 02:58 am
Lately, Lupe Fiasco has let it be known his thoughts on the President, which is why I don't understand he would perform at an inauguration party for a President he publicly called a terrorist.