Most lxde xfce related news are at:

Windows Phone app: le “app core” ci sono tutte 5 Aug 2013 | 12:00 pm
Uno degli argomenti che mi capita di trattare con maggior frequenza di questi tempi è sicuramente Windows Phone. L’OS è giovane e le notizie di conseguenza sono parecchie. Nokia poi, con una nuova gam...
Jawbone Up: come la sposa, lo voglio 22 Jul 2013 | 08:06 pm
Tecnologia non è solamente smartphone, tablet o sistemi operativi, è anche wearable technology ovvero la tecnologia da indossare. Da qualche mese a questa parte ho puntato Jawbone Up, un braccialetto ...
More lxde xfce related news:
Keep Your Desktop Fresh With Variety Wallpaper Changer 9 Oct 2012 | 09:16 pm
Variety is a wallpaper changer application that works with most desktop environments (KDE, LXDE, Xfce and Unity / GNOME Shell) and, besides being able to change your wallpaper automatically on an inte...
Ambiance Crunchy (Openbox Theme) 6 Aug 2013 | 03:42 am
Ambiance Crunchy (Openbox Theme) It's an Ambiance like Theme for Openbox, Lxde, Xfce, Gnome2/Mate & Gnome3 (Unity, Gnome-Shell, Gnome-Classic & Cinnamon). The objective is to have it working very wel...
And we have Xorg.... on NCP4 7 May 2011 | 09:01 am
After a lot of hacking I finally got Xorg running on NCP4. Xfce hasn't been ported yet so I didn't have a lot to test but qtdemo seems to work flawlessly ;) read more
Elemental Equinox Evolution v2.5 8 Mar 2011 | 07:48 am
Description: Who said that breadcrumbs are not for the mice? Previously Elemental Perfection Remix Only Equinox and pixmaps required, only for Xfce, down here only old info: **************************...
LXDE 27 Aug 2008 | 02:46 am
The "Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment" is an extremely fast-performing and energy-saving desktop environment. Maintained by an international community of developers, it comes with a beautiful inter...
Kernel routing table and intefaces to get this to work 9 Apr 2012 | 09:01 pm
Thanks a lot Uwe, finally the Telia E1750 modem is up on my Debian Squeeze/LXDE laptop (EEEPC 1000HE) and with usb-modeswith 1.2.3. (no configuration needed!) To share my working configuration: My ...
Work on new version has started 20 Jul 2011 | 07:55 pm
I started working on a new version of MintPPC, which will be based on Linux Mint LXDE 11 on top of Debian Wheezy. I can tell you that the desktop is a pleasure for the eye. There are a lot of new deta...
Kubuntu 25 May 2012 | 01:56 am
Kubuntu merupakan varian resmi dari Ubuntu yang menggunakan KDE sebagai lingkungan Desktop nya, berbeda dengan Ubuntu yang menggunakan Gnome dan Xubuntu yang menggunakan Xfce sebagai lingkungan deskto...
midori portable 29 May 2012 | 06:48 pm
Portable Midori is a Web Browser, that aims to be lightweight & speedy. It aligns well with the Xfce philosophy of making the most out of obtainable resources. It’s also surprisingly fast, and doesn...
How to install Fluxbox Window Manager in Ubuntu ? 8 Oct 2011 | 04:43 pm
Fluxbox is a super fast window manager written in C++ that is being used as the GUI "creator" by many desktop environments. And just like with OpenBox (another WM) which is used in LXDE, Fluxbox is al...