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Tageskarte vom 26.August-30.August.2013 27 Aug 2013 | 01:19 pm
Mittagsmenue Kräuterschaumsuppe Geflügelroulade EUR 6,50 *** Gesottene Rinderbrust Apfel-Selleriegemüse-Pesto Kartoffelplätzchen Merrettichsauce EUR14,50 *** Pflaumen-Cheesecake-Muffin • Ei...
abendkarte vom 20.8.2013-3.9.2013 20 Aug 2013 | 08:37 pm
Barkarte Salatvariation • Balsamicodressing Mangochutney Gratinierter Ziegenkäse EUR 13,50 Salatvariation • Balsamicodressing Mangochutney Hähnchenwürfel EUR 14,50 Pasta • Champignon-Pfifferl...
More münchen salt restaurant related news:
Asam-Schlössl München – Ein Restaurant wie ein Schloß 1 Sep 2011 | 01:25 am
In 2011, Im Jahrhundert der Eile, muss der Stress wenigstens beim Esstisch beseitgt werden. Nicht immer klappt es, aber die Lage und die Einrichtung des Asam-Schlössl München Restaurant verspricht nic...
Cucumber Salad with Mint and Feta 23 Apr 2009 | 05:15 am
When the hot weather hits, nothing is more cooling than a cucumber salad. Inspired by a fabulous cucumber salad shared with a friend at the Sea Salt restaurant in Berkeley, I canvassed my neighborhood...
Salt Restaurant 30 Jan 2013 | 03:36 am
Oahu Vacation Rentals Leader in Luxury Vacation Rentals Aloha Joe one town that has been creating a lot of BUZZ these days is Kaimuki and boy is the food scene there popping! Take for instance the r...
SALT in the Wind: Restaurant Looks for New Home after Six Lido Years 27 Aug 2013 | 02:09 pm
"After six great years at 9 Jiangtai Xi Lu in Lido, SALT restaurant is moving house." "Several new locations are currently being considered, and I will keep you up to date via
Best of 2011 29 Jan 2012 | 08:39 am
Thanks for voting Salt and Pepper runner up for best restaurant in the “2011 Holland Sentinel Best Of” readers poll. There is a lot of dining choices out there so we are honored. look up number 200...
Linguini restaurant was awarded a gold medal 21 Mar 2012 | 11:28 am
Close them, and the best spirits of fat bacon, toast and mix very finely two cloves, pepper, salt, pepper, a basin and mix it your sauce and stuff it is hot fat. Send them the fillet up little mustard...
DJ München bei Chang 16 Apr 2011 | 12:56 am
Das war eine klasse Geburtagsparty im Promi-Restaurant chang in Grünwald. Das Geburtstskind Michaela präsentierte sich in gewohnter Manier und sehr gut gelaunt. Ca. 100 Gäste feierten ausgelassen zum ...
Le Pressoir Restaurant in Grand Case St. Martin 21 Jan 2012 | 09:39 am
St. Martin Restaurants There is something about each restaurant that sets it apart all the others. At Le Pressoir in Grand Case, everything sets it aside. Named after the ancient salt press facing th...
Places to Eat Near the Family History Library 15 Apr 2008 | 06:04 pm
The Garden Restaurant 15 East South Temple (Joseph Smith Building) 10th Floor Salt Lake City, Utah 84150 801-539-3170 Open: Lunch Monday to Saturday 11:00 am to 3:00 pm; Dinner Monday to Thursday...
Salt & Fat 30 Apr 2012 | 09:14 am
Deschis de un an la cateva strazi de casa, un mic restaurant si-a facut renume destul de repede. Dupa moda curenta, serveste portii mici (recomandat 2-3 portii/persoana). Componentele fiecarei portii ...