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More mac bbt mouse related news:
New ads 6 Oct 2006 | 09:05 am
new ads of GeoWorks Pro, OPEN LOOK, Microsoft Mouse Pad and Newton 11 new ads of Mac OS 7.0, 7.5 and 8.0 better version of Apple’s anti-Windows 95 ad
How to Reset the Mac OS X Lion Screen Zoom 10 Oct 2011 | 12:44 pm
I really like my Mac. One thing I miss when I use my Windows computer is the Mac’s ability to zoom the screen with CTRL plus moving my finger forward or back on my magic mouse. As you get older, you...
Razer Orochi Bluetooth/USB Gaming Mouse Review 20 Apr 2012 | 05:36 pm
For the past few weeks I've had the pleasure of using the Razer Orochi Wireless Bluetooth Gaming mouse. This batmobile of a mouse allows lovers of both Mac and Windows OS to make use of its wireless s...
Mac OS X 10.6.6 update fixes the "mouse jumpiness" problem! 18 Jan 2011 | 08:40 am
Holy crap, I am stoked! The 10.6.6 update, which I had put off because it seemed like the only "improvement" was The App Store (cough bullshit cough), actually fixes one of my biggest complaints of la...
Car Shape USB 3D Optical Mouse 6 Apr 2012 | 06:53 pm
Description: Dimensions:10.3cm(L)*5.5cm(W)*3.4cm(H) Cable length: 1.45m Connector: USB 2.0 High resolution: 800DPI Two buttons and one scroll wheel System Compatible:Window9x/me/NT/2000/XP/Mac ....
KsmoothDock 6 Oct 2006 | 10:08 am
Ksmoothdock is a dock kind of liek the Mac OSX dock on Apple computers. This dock can replace your KDE Kicker. The dock has two zooming modes, normal and parabolic, for when your mouse goes over the i...
Tablet PC, Tablet Mac y el ejercicio de sus usuarios 5 Nov 2009 | 06:16 am
La interfas que utiliza un mouse como símil de la mano, esta en dudas por la irrupción de Iphone y las pantallas táctiles en nuestras vidas. Windows hace mucho que tiene el tablet y al parecer, Mac es...
Configurar el mouse de Mac como en Windows 26 May 2011 | 09:05 pm
Ya conoceréis mis idas y venidas referentes a la sensibilidad / aceleracion / precision del mouse en Mac OS X. Pues bien despues de seguir investigando y dando mas vueltas, un día de casualidad encont...
moves !!! 26 Oct 2011 | 06:00 am
Okay dudes, A lots of changes again, I moved for few month to the USA, let my pc for a mac, changed my mouse for a tablet and a sketchbook, switched the agencies for teachers, the brazilian food for ...
M2HPatcher: patches Unity games 18 Nov 2011 | 01:16 am
M2HPatcher Our Unity patch solution has launched on the Unity asset store. It supports Mac and Windows and allows Unity developers to launch updates of their games in a single mouse click. Just sit b...