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C4[1] 9 Aug 2007 | 09:35 am
For those that care, I’ll be at C4[1] this weekend in Chicago. If you’re one of those hard-core Mac developers attending the anti-WWDC, drop me a line — I’d love to meet up!
我愛使用的 Mac 收費小軟件 5 Oct 2009 | 10:50 pm
使用 Mac 有一年了,或許因為價錢比PC軟件相宜兼選擇多, 加上自己是 Mac Developer,相比起從前,現在更願意花 HK$200左右,購買一些小軟件。以下是一些我愛使用的小軟件,不知對各位來說有沒有用? Picturesque 這篇文章的圖片,就是用 Picturesque 修整的。 可以輕易加圓邊,邊框,倒影,甚至是平面傾斜的立體效果。Picturesque 的用戶介面非常漂亮,...
Great Cocoa conference on the other side of the Atlantic 13 Apr 2009 | 12:41 pm
The Mac Developer Network with Steve Scott(Scotty) and Tim Isted are hosting a great conference, called NSConference, in UK this week. I wish I could be there as well, but it is a bit of a hike for me...
Mac Developer For Hire 13 Jul 2006 | 05:57 am
Got Mac Work? Mac developer with extensive Objective-C, Cocoa and Wireless experience seeks interesting project to challenge my skills and grow my portfolio of successful applications. Currently loca...
How to Open RAR Files on Mac 30 May 2012 | 06:11 pm
Developed by a Russian software developer Eugene Roshal RAR stands for “Roshal Archive”, and represents a proprietary archive file format with support for data compression, error recovery and file spa...
Great Cocoa conference on the other side of the Atlantic 13 Apr 2009 | 08:41 am
The Mac Developer Network with Steve Scott(Scotty) and Tim Isted are hosting a great conference, called NSConference, in UK this week. I wish I could be there as well, but it is a bit of a hike for me...
Hands on Cross-Platform Windows and Mac development with C++ Builder XE3 14 Jan 2013 | 11:12 am
I have been writing about Embarcadero’s RAD Studio XE3, which includes Delphi and C++ Builder, and as part of the research I set this up for cross-platform development on a Mac. My setup uses a Parall...
Artlantis Studio for Mac 4 Feb 2013 | 09:55 am
Developed by Abvent Group, Artlantis Studio for Mac has given some of the best imaging and designing solutions to Mac users and CAD professionals while creating architecture and 3D design. It can ...
OSX 10.9 Developer Preview Notes 14 Jun 2013 | 10:01 pm
I recently upgraded to OSX 10.9 Developer Preview announced at the WWDC 2013. I highly recommend trying it out if you’re enrolled in the Mac Developer program and want to benefit from lots of substant...
iOS 7 Would Be Ready To Ship In Time, Thank The Mac Developers For Their Hard Work 6 May 2013 | 05:25 pm
iOS7 is clearly the most awaited software announcement WWDC 2013 would bring for both iOS developers who want to rework their apps for some new features and improvements as well as the savvy audience ...