Most mac malware related news are at:

Usenix LISA "Build A Cloud Day", Fri, Nov 8, 2013 in DC (no charge!) 26 Aug 2013 | 08:00 pm
Considering all the security issues raised this year, isn't it time you built a private cloud? Build a Cloud Day will be dedicated to teaching users how to build and manage a cloud computing environm...
LOPSA NJ Chapter meeting: IBM Blue Gene /P, Thu, Sept 5, 2013 26 Aug 2013 | 01:27 am
It isn't on the website yet, but the September meeting will have a special guest: Title: Anatomy of a Supercomputer: The architecture of the IBM Blue Gene /P. IBM refers to their Blue Gene family of...
More mac malware related news:
Mac Malware – Here’s An Idea 26 May 2011 | 06:58 pm
MacDefender (and now a few variants) has been making a name for itself recently. The first piece of Mac malware that’s managed to catch people who weren’t downloading some cracked application or other...
New Mac Malware 15 May 2011 | 02:10 am
Written By Wayne Jones of the FIVE FORKS BAPTIST COMPUTER USERS GROUP. The information is a very good read for everyone to just remind us that we ALL need to take care surfing the web. There is a re...
Macs & Malware 28 Jun 2012 | 12:10 pm
Apple recently acknowledged (sort of) that Macs are not immune to malware. Here's why it's past time to run AV on Macs.
Lookout Mac users! New Mac malware eavesdrops 27 Jul 2012 | 04:53 am
Source: Ars Technica Unfortunately Mac users are getting targeted more and more these days, that’s the price to pay for popularity I guess. Previously the bad guys only bothered with the masses and l...
Macs & Malware 28 Jun 2012 | 12:10 pm
Apple recently acknowledged (sort of) that Macs are not immune to malware. Here's why it's past time to run AV on Macs.
Lookout Mac users! New Mac malware eavesdrops 27 Jul 2012 | 04:53 am
Source: Ars Technica Unfortunately Mac users are getting targeted more and more these days, that’s the price to pay for popularity I guess. Previously the bad guys only bothered with the masses and le...
Newly developed Mac malware from ‘Operation Hangover’ to be presented next week 19 Jul 2013 | 08:55 pm
An attack infrastructure detected earlier this year used additional malware that targeted Mac OS X machines. Researchers from Norman Shark, who revealed the advanced persistent threat (APT) infrastru...
Mac Malware Bleg 24 Aug 2013 | 10:18 am
Malware is slowing down my Mac :( For a month or so I had a small Bing sponsored magnifying glass appear over all graphics. Then it went. But now, whenever I’m on a news-site I get a ‘Discovery Bar’...
Secure your PC with free AntiVirus, free AntiMalware and a free AntiSpyware 24 Mar 2011 | 11:07 pm
Every computer that is connected to the internet is susceptible to virus, malwares and spywares. And if you want to keep your system clean you need...
Mac OS X 10.7 LionのMAMP PRO 2.0.1にPEARをインストール&SSIを設定 13 Dec 2011 | 10:23 pm
$ /Applications/MAMP/bin/php/php5.3.6/bin/pear install Notice: unserialize(): Erro [...]