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맥북 터치패드 오동작 문제 24 Jan 2013 | 09:41 pm
증상: 어느날 갑자기 맥북의 터치패드가 작동은 하는데 의도한대로 움직이지 않거나 혼자 멋대로 폭주한다. 손가락이 움직이는대로 이동도 하지 않으며 늦거나 다른 방향으로 가거나 갑자기 클릭이 되는 현상 해결: PRAM RESET + PMU RESET PRAM RESET: 전원버튼 누름과 동시에 커맨드+옵션+P+R을 누르고 시동소리 두번째 확인 후 누름해제 PM...
Could Not Log In to iMessage–Resetting PRAM fixed it 10 Aug 2013 | 07:56 pm
Could Not Log In to iMessage–Resetting PRAM fixed it All of a sudden on my MacBook Pro I could not log in to iMessage. It had an error saying it couldn’t find the right settings or some sort. I tried...
How to Reset Mac OS X Lion to Factory Default State 21 Oct 2011 | 08:50 pm
Getting ready to sell your Mac and want to do a full factory restore to default settings? Just follow this procedure — it works on Mac OS X Lion only. 1. Launch the Terminal application on you Mac. T...
Mac OS Leopard/Snow Leopard Fix for timezone settings that keep resetting to the defaults 3 Oct 2009 | 10:38 pm
How to Reset the Mac OS X Lion Screen Zoom 10 Oct 2011 | 12:44 pm
I really like my Mac. One thing I miss when I use my Windows computer is the Mac’s ability to zoom the screen with CTRL plus moving my finger forward or back on my magic mouse. As you get older, you...
One thing OS X should steal from Windows... resetting screen resolution if no confirmation 10 Dec 2010 | 08:47 pm
I just spent over an hour and a half attempting to get both my monitors working again on my Mac Pro after a poorly-chosen click in the Displays dialog; I managed to set one of the display's resolu...
Listening to Mac OS Ken Podcast : 09.19.2011 with @macosken 20 Sep 2011 | 08:31 am
Mac OS Ken: 09.19.2011 via Mac OS Ken on 9/19/11 Apple Issues (Another) beta Build of Lion 10.7.2 to Developers / 9 to 5 Mac: Apple Reseting iCloud This Thursday in Anticipation of iOS 5 GM / Engadg...
Quick Photoshop Reset 20 Jan 2010 | 07:44 pm
Very good Photoshop trick to know: If you hold down ALT+CTRL+SHIFT (Mac: CMD+OPT+SHIFT) while starting Photoshop you can reset all settings back to factory default. Very useful if you have problems wi...
Brew and Mac OS X Lion Error: Failed while executing git pull master 15 Aug 2011 | 07:27 am
I had to fix permissions on the /usr/local folder: sudo chown -R `whoami` /usr/local cd /usr/local git add . git stash git reset --hard brew update
How to “Map” a network drive on a Mac 24 Nov 2011 | 03:45 am
If you frequently access a file server from a Mac it’s pretty helpful to map the network drive to your desktop. There’s two ways to do this, one method is just mapped for one time use and will reset a...