Most mac vegas volt lipstick related news are at:

The Lipstick Tag- 5 Favourites 20 Aug 2013 | 08:14 pm
As a person I believe one of my best traits is being punctual. Blame it on my Maybe it's Army school and the crazy punishments you get when late (lifting your school bag over your head and running 5 ...
New phone and life updates!! 18 Aug 2013 | 01:57 pm
So after cribbing about blackberry not supporting instagram since well, instagram came into being, I finally moved on, rather got pushed to the android side Samsung S4 to be precise. If u follow me o...
More mac vegas volt lipstick related news:
Coral Craze: MAC Vegas Volt Lipstick Review! 25 Jul 2013 | 04:41 pm
After seeing so many beautiful swatches of Vegas Volt online, I decided to finally get this lipstick and all I can say is that I adore this gorgeous shade! I was hoping for a pretty coral shade with.....
Look mit MUA "Going for gold" und MAC Vegas Volt 21 Jul 2012 | 10:33 pm
Heyhey! Natürlich musste ich gestern Abend dann direkt mal die MUA-Sachen und meine neuen MAC-Sachen ausprobieren. Dabei ist dieser Look entstanden. viel Spaß =) Da ich einfach über mein bereits...
Lipstick Lineup 23 Aug 2013 | 12:46 am
MAC and NARS lineup: MAC Girl About Town/MAC So Chaud/Nars Red Lizard/MAC Overtime/MAC Please Me/Nars Schiap/MAC Vegas Volt/MAC Myth/MAC Impassioned Somedays I am lucky to get ready for the day, but ...
Lipstick Lineup 23 Aug 2013 | 12:46 am
MAC and NARS lineup: MAC Girl About Town/MAC So Chaud/Nars Red Lizard/MAC Overtime/MAC Please Me/Nars Schiap/MAC Vegas Volt/MAC Myth/MAC Impassioned Somedays I am lucky to get ready for the day, but ...
Batom Vegas Volt, MAC 24 Aug 2013 | 09:30 pm
Quem tem Instagram acompanhou que na terça-feira eu e Sasá passamos uma manhã super gostosa ao lado da Fabiana Gomes, maquiadora sênior da MAC (vejam a minha cara de criança feliz testando coisas ness...