Most macarons cocco related news are at:

Ciao a tutti- Sono tornata con un altro blog 31 May 2013 | 09:12 pm
Ciao a tutti a coloro che mi hanno cercata e non mi hanno trovata in questi anni, a chi è passato per caso di qui e ha trovato un luogo abbandonato... In verità non me ne sono mai andata, mi ero all...
More macarons cocco related news:
More classes at Love Apple Farms this Fall 12 Oct 2011 | 05:56 am
Macaron Madness Workshop – October 15 & November 5, 11am-3pm There are two upcoming macaron workshops to add to our super popular series at the farm this Fall. (One is coming up this weekend, and the...
More summer classes: mid-summer jams, Thai curries, tomatoes, and, yes, more macarons! 29 Jun 2011 | 06:15 am
I’m having so much fun teaching at Love Apple Farms’ gorgeous teaching kitchen space I’m adding more classes to fill up the summer schedule. Check them out. Mid-summer Jamming, Saturday, July 23, 12p...
New classes at Love Apple farm – macarons, pad thai, summer jams (not all at once!) 6 May 2011 | 07:29 am
Looking for fun projects to do this summer? Come join me in a class (or two, or three) at Love Apple Farm’s awesome teaching kitchen, on the grounds of the-even-more-awesome Love Apple farm in Santa C...
Macarons Framboise - Ladurée's Recipe 20 Feb 2012 | 09:44 am
Well I'm back folks! Not really, but bear with me I'll be back in the groove of things as soon as I'm settled. I really have been busy, juggling some major changes around here. You see, a...
About those macarons… 29 Jan 2011 | 10:00 am
When I was young, I made meringues. I remember my mom teaching me how, and then it was something cheap and easy and without a ton of butter that I could make for a sugar fix. Not a quick one, necessar...
Macarons 17 Apr 2012 | 02:30 am
Kunterbunte Kekse! Mmmmmhh… lecker!!! Macarons sind der neueste Trend aus Frankreich! Knusprige Baiserkekse mit weicher Creme in der Mitte. Ob Himbeere, Pistazie, Vanille, Kokos, Zitrone… Rezepte fin...
Tommy Februry6 22 Dec 2009 | 09:42 am
Tracklist: 1. "T.O.M.M.Y" 2. "EVERYDAY AT THE BUS STOP" 3. トミーフェブラッテ、マカロン。 ("Tommy Feburatte Macaron" 4. "Bloomin'!" 5. "HEY BAD BOY" 6. "♡KISS♡ ONE MORE TIME" 7. "WHERE ARE YOU? "MY HERO"" 8....
Blush and Bashful Macarons 30 Apr 2012 | 10:00 pm
So, I mentioned last week that I'd made some macarons for my sister's wedding. I want to share my tips (and the recipes I used) in the hopes that it might be helpful to another enthusiastic home cook...
What are Macarons 13 Jan 2012 | 04:30 am
What actually are french macaroons anyhow? To have the slightly precise answer about this, the language macaroon is called a meringue stylish sandwich combined with a cookie confectionary created from...
Uma nova experiência! Macarons!!! 2 Jan 2012 | 11:24 am
MACARONS! Uma pequena tentação, mas que de pequeno só tem o tamanho! Crocantes por fora e macios por dentro Macarons com recheio de ganache de chocolate Estes foram algun dos nossos miminhos de Na...