Most made in bs japan related news are at:

ドンヒョン(BOYFRIEND)、サンドゥル(B1A4)がW主演! ミュージカル『千番目の男』製作発表 22 Aug 2013 | 07:40 pm
早くも話題騒然となっている日韓共同製作新作ミュージカル『千番目の男』のワールドプレミア東京公演が決定! 2013年9月28日(土)から10月13日(日)まで投稿AiiA Theater Tokyoで上演されることとなりました。 主演は共に2012年に日本デビューを果たし、韓国と日本で多くの音楽賞を受賞、歌とダンスの実力にルックスを兼ね備えたBOYDRIEND とB1A4から、BOYDRIEND....
コン・ユ 待望のファンミーティング開催決定!8/26よりFC先行チケット申込開始! 22 Aug 2013 | 04:59 am
ドラマ「コーヒープリンス1号店」「ビッグ~愛は奇跡<ミラクル>~」 映画『あなたの初恋探します』『トガニ 幼き瞳の告発』 実力派俳優 日本公式FC“With YOO”presents コン・ユ 来日! 8/26よりFC先行チケット申込開始! 韓国ドラマ「コーヒープリンス1号店」(07)に主演し、大ブレイク。その後も「美男ですね」の脚本家によるラブコメディ「ビッグ~愛は奇跡<ミラク...
More made in bs japan related news:
Cast Of Goong Singing "Perhaps Love" @ Made in BS JAPAN 21 May 2011 | 01:42 pm
Aaaaah! Kyu Jongie singing one of my favorite OST songs in KPOP, "Perhaps Love"! Love it! Video Uploader: anpan2H@YouTube
Casual gaming in Japan 15 Apr 2012 | 08:03 am
I’ve always been intrigued by Japan. I never made it to Japan even though I’ve traveled extensively in Asia. Japan is home to Nintendo, Sega, Sony, Final Fantasy, Metal Gear, and Mario. The list goes ...
Made Better in Japan 6 Feb 2012 | 04:01 pm
From the Wall Street Journal Online: THE REAL DEAL | Americana collector Hitoshi Tsujimoto, founder of high-end workwear brand the Real McCoy's, in his Kobe headquarters among a few of his approx...
Karaoke: Love is Blue 16 May 2012 | 10:17 pm
Older readers may be familiar with Paul Mauriat. He is a composer that was very big in Japan. Japan made superstars (in Japan) out of many instrumental music makers (see the popularity of The Ventures...
Casual gaming in Japan 15 Apr 2012 | 04:03 am
I’ve always been intrigued by Japan. I never made it to Japan even though I’ve traveled extensively in Asia. Japan is home to Nintendo, Sega, Sony, Final Fantasy, Metal Gear, and Mario. The list goes ...
Karaoke: Love is Blue 16 May 2012 | 06:17 pm
Older readers may be familiar with Paul Mauriat. He is a composer that was very big in Japan. Japan made superstars (in Japan) out of many instrumental music makers (see the popularity of The Ventures...
Vintage tiled dish green and salmon by Wavalee 28 Jun 2013 | 02:56 am
8.00USD Super cutie! Vintage tiled dish. Use on your mid century coffee table or dresser top. Greens and salmon colors. Made by Sonsco Japan. Nice vintage condition. 5.25" round
RAIN: [GC] Un nuovo trailer per Rain 25 Aug 2013 | 08:09 pm
Sogno e poesia nel nuovo gioco made in SCE Japan.
RAIN: [GC] Un nuovo trailer per Rain 25 Aug 2013 | 08:09 pm
Sogno e poesia nel nuovo gioco made in SCE Japan.
Bukan sebarang CITIZEN.... 25 Aug 2013 | 08:13 pm
Sebijik jam Citizen model yang sangat sukar nak jumpa. Rupa paras menggoda seakan lenggok swiss made tapi sebenarnya Japan Made. Beliau ialah CITIZEN MASTER PARA SHOCK PHYNOX. For sale, anda BERMIN...