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The Best Mage PvP Guide for World of Warcraft 13 Jul 2009 | 05:40 pm
Have you ever thought about joining in on the PvP action in World of Warcraft with your Mage? If so, did you stop to think about how good the opposing enemy would be or what type of situations you mig...
Beware for the guilbank ninja 25 Apr 2013 | 01:50 am
I only want to warn all other guilds on terenas. Cuz a player called Oonnuurr (80 mage) / Eessaatt (85 druid) Took stuff from our guildbank that he didn't needed. He took some expensive glyphs and p...
Ding 85! 16 Dec 2010 | 02:44 pm
After a week of questing, running dungeons and getting sidetracked by leveling a new Goblin Shaman and Goblin Mage, I hit 85 on Abi in Twilight Highlands. I leveled Destruction instead of the usual De...
How to Dominate End Game Cataclysm Hour of Twilight PvP For Epic Gear 28 Apr 2012 | 07:34 pm
One frustration many 85′s face is How to Dominate Cataclysm Hour of Twilight PvP For Epic Gear. You aare 85 and are playing end game at this point. Like many other 85′s in WoW cataclysm hour of twil...
How to Master Cataclysm Hour of Twilight End Game 28 Apr 2012 | 03:43 pm
A question that is asked constantly is how to master end game in wow cataclysm hour of twilight. Many people have their level 85 character and have a few pretty good items but are stuck in pvp or eli...
Estratégia básica para Rogue, Mage, Priest 23 Jan 2012 | 04:08 am
Artigos Relacionados PvP Moviemakers (14) Praticando PvP nos BGs: como e o que praticar! (8) Preparando seu char para o PvP – Parte 2: Gems, Enchants, Reforge, etc. (18) Preparando seu char para o...
85 Fire Mage Leveling Talent Spec Guide: Cataclysm 10 Jan 2011 | 08:13 am
Welcome to the Fire Mages 1 through 85 leveling talent spec guide updated for WoW Cataclysm patch 4.0.3 and 4.0.6. This guide focuses on speed leveling talent specs to get you from level 1-85 along wi...
$399.85 Since I started with WordPress Mage 18 Nov 2009 | 06:28 pm
So far, WordPress Mage has earned me $399.85 from ebay and adsense! I’m so happy! I do pay a little for hosting and for the domains, but well worth the investment! And, as I’ve said before, these site...
Gleichgewicht-Druide PvP-Skillung 5.0.4 (Stufe 85) 30 Aug 2012 | 11:31 pm
Wie skillt man nun mit Patch 5.0.4 eine Eule? Viele Möglichkeiten gibt es ja nicht mehr und anfangs war ich auch skeptisch. Aber letzendlich muss ich gestehen Talente wie “Wilde Attacke” und “Mächtige...
Waffen-Krieger PvP-Skillung 5.0.4 (Stufe 85) 30 Aug 2012 | 11:10 pm
Auch PvP Spieler müssen nun mit dem Release des Patches 5.0.4 sich Gedanken über eine neue Skillung des eigenen Charakters machen. Da ich früher selbst einen Krieger gespielt habe, habe ich mir natürl...