Most magento api related news are at:

4 Reasons to Automate Your Drop Ship Process with a Cloud-based EDI Solution 27 Aug 2013 | 11:09 am
Third-party drop shipping is increasingly popular in supply-chain management because it offers merchants an “endless aisle” without adding the extra costs associated with holding inventory. However, f...
Responsive Design: Quick Guide for Email Templates and Websites 27 Aug 2013 | 05:39 am
Studies show that more than half of emails were opened on a mobile device in the first half of 2013 and eMarketer predicts that eCommerce sales from tablets and mobile devices will reach almost 25% by...
More magento api related news:
Magento invoices mysql table located 24 Aug 2010 | 08:26 pm
If you’re looking where Magento stores its invoices, first step was to locate table sales_order_invoice, but such table doesn’t exists. Good starting point is always a Magento API, which shows you a ...
Magento Current Category Name and URL 14 Feb 2012 | 04:03 am
Magento Current Category Name and Link : Magento API is really wonderful . Current category is really important in product page and it is useful from A/B testing point of view . So if you want to add...
Multi Select Attribute über die Magento API hinzufügen und editieren / Teil 3 – NETZKOLLEKTIV CoreAPI Extension für Magento 28 Feb 2012 | 10:48 pm
Deutsch Magento bietet von Haus aus Multi-Select Attribute an, mit welchen einem Produkt mehrere Werte aus vorgegebenen Optionen zugewiesen werden können. Über das Backend können diese problemlos ange...
Magento-API performant genug für Alltagseinsatz! 14 Jun 2010 | 11:06 pm
Ausgangssituation Seit einiger Zeit arbeiten wir an einigen Applikationen, die die Magento-Api verwenden. Anfangs war ich nicht besonders begeistert von der Geschwindigkeit der XML-RPC Schnittstelle (...
Magento API / web service work 28 Jul 2009 | 06:35 am
Magento has strong web service features. I can say Magento’s web service is one step ahead than others e-commerce. Magneto has soap, v2_soap(soap 2) and xmlrpc adapter facilities. Using magento web se...
Multi Select Attribute über die Magento API hinzufügen und editieren / Teil 3 – NETZKOLLEKTIV CoreAPI Extension für Magento 28 Feb 2012 | 05:48 pm
Deutsch Magento bietet von Haus aus Multi-Select Attribute an, mit welchen einem Produkt mehrere Werte aus vorgegebenen Optionen zugewiesen werden können. Über das Backend können diese problemlos ange...
Magento-API performant genug für Alltagseinsatz! 14 Jun 2010 | 07:06 pm
Ausgangssituation Seit einiger Zeit arbeiten wir an einigen Applikationen, die die Magento-Api verwenden. Anfangs war ich nicht besonders begeistert von der Geschwindigkeit der XML-RPC Schnittstelle (...
Magento API Integration | Magento Third Party API Integration 27 Aug 2013 | 08:56 am
Magento API Integration Services help improve your online business significantly. We are experts at delivering Magento Third Party API Integration so 5 Farkinda
Google Translate Box 2 Sep 2011 | 10:16 am
Google Translate Box yararlı bulduğum bir eklenti. Aslında pek ahım şahım bir şey yapmıyor, klasik api ile çalışan bir çeviri eklentisi, işe yarar kısmı yazı ekleme ekranında çıkması ve yazdıklarınızı...
A new Objective-C library for a new generation of APIs 1 Sep 2011 | 07:45 am
Greg Tom By Greg Robbins and Tom Van Lenten, Software Engineers Cross-posted with the Google Code Blog Four years ago, we introduced an Objective-C library for Google Data APIs. At first, it suppo...