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More magento attribute identifier related news:
New version released for Magento Attribute Info Pages 23 Sep 2009 | 08:35 pm
New version released (0.1.3) which takes into consideration the prefix for the sql tables (thanks Irineu!). The logos can be resized automatically to a desired size with the code (just an example, ad...
How to show Text Attributes on Magento Product View Page 3 Jul 2013 | 11:30 am
If you have created custom magento attributes , then you might need to show them on frontend . So, here is how to call them to your frontend : If custom attribute which you have created is textarea or...
Personalisierter Browsertitel 11 Jun 2010 | 06:47 pm
Um bei Magento den Browsertitel individuell anpassen zu können, reicht der Standard-Umfang von Magento oft nicht aus. In einem unserer Projekte sollte über ein Produkt-Attribut, über welches ein Text ...
Load A Category or Product by an Attribute 2 Apr 2012 | 09:49 pm
New developers often ask me how to load a product by a particular attribute. This is quite easy to accomplish in Magento and can be done using Magento collections. Load a Product by SKU Unlike most pr...
To resolve ” Maximum length of attribute code must be less then 30 symbols” error in magento 1.6 above version 23 Feb 2012 | 07:51 pm
Hello, I found error ” Maximum length of attribute code must be less then 30 symbols” in magento 1.6 above version. To resolve this error, you simply change the constant value from 30 to 60. your-pr...
Magento: Katalog Preisregel / Rabatt nur für bestimmte Kategorien / Produkte 17 Mar 2012 | 06:40 am
In Magento können Rabatte / Katalog Preisregeln für bestimmte Kategorien oder auch bestimmte Attribut-Sets erstellt werden. Der Rabatt kann entweder in Prozent oder als festgelegten Betrag angelegt w...
Link Building With DoFollow Blog Commenting 11 Jan 2012 | 09:26 pm
There are many lists, and even some directories available that identify blogs with DoFollow commenting. DoFollow commenting essentially means that the blog owner has removed the nofollow attribute fro...
Understand About The Various Capabilities That Are Found Within The Ephedrine Pills Whenever You Buy Ephedrine Online 30 May 2012 | 08:49 pm
Each and every tablet has its own attributes, but only a couple of of them are recognized for their multiple functionalities. One type of capsule identified for becoming purposeful in many approaches ...
Définir un identifiant pour un block template_links magento 15 Mar 2012 | 10:04 pm
Un block de type page/template_links permet de générer une liste UL/LI disposant d’une classe links et d’un éventuel identifiant déterminé par id= »<?php echo $this->getName() ?> » Sur un magento 1.6...
Joining An EAV Table (With Attributes) To A Flat Table 16 Mar 2011 | 01:07 pm
If you have created a "custom" flat table that has a foreign key to an existing Magento EAV table, you might come across the need to join the two together. If you main table is the flat table, you wil...