Most magento comunity limitations related news are at:

Magento Community Edition 1.5 – Extended API Documentation 11 May 2011 | 02:20 am
Using the API documentation on is sometimes a little bit confusing and made me not really happy. For this reason I generated an API Doc with the documentation system...
Magento Go – E-Commerce in der Cloud 17 Feb 2011 | 02:59 am
Varien – Hersteller des bekannten Shop Systems Magento – hat die Zeichen der Zeit erkannt und möchte mit Magento Go (aka Magento Stratus), einer in der Cloud gehosteten E-Commerce Lösung, auch kleiner...
More magento comunity limitations related news:
Magento – Using Limit in Model Collection 30 Mar 2012 | 02:51 am
The Magento ORM uses a paging style interface to limit results. The collection is notified about how many records you want in each page (“setPageSize()“), then it can be notified about the current pag...
Creating products programmatically in Magento 23 May 2012 | 02:28 am
Let’s face it – importing is hard. Especially if it’s from some other unfamiliar product, or something that doesn’t already have a Dataflow/import plugin for Magento already. Dataflow has its limits. ...
Change Limit Price Magento 13 May 2012 | 01:50 pm
Saya menemukan ini dari forum magento. Supaya mudah saya cari dikemudian hari, seandainya membutuhkan maka saya catat di blog ini. Untuk mengganti batasan harga di Magento langkah pertama adalah mengg...
Casos de la Vida Rial 29 May 2010 | 03:43 pm
Cualquier situacion es "normal", "comun", "tratada a tiempo", "controlable", "comprensible" y "demas adjetivos", si suceden de la puerta de mi casa para afuera, o en este caso de los limites de mi pie...
Mejores préstamos inmediatos 10 Dec 2011 | 05:31 am
Las principales características de los créditos rápidos es su contratación vía online y su aprobación casi al instante, también es común que el límite máximo del préstamo sea de 10.000 euros, con un p...
Magento Script 29 May 2012 | 08:42 pm
Together with net companiesachieving new feats andcrashing limitations, more and more individualsare aware with the particularpossibilities to acquire cash online. Amongst some other points,purchasing...
La función de la frustración. 4 Apr 2012 | 10:47 pm
Al igual que ocurre con la cuestión de los límites, la frustración infantil es controvertida y muchas veces interpretada erróneamente por padres y educadores. Es común escuchar frases del tipo “es i...
Creating products programmatically in Magento 22 May 2012 | 10:28 pm
Let’s face it – importing is hard. Especially if it’s from some other unfamiliar product, or something that doesn’t already have a Dataflow/import plugin for Magento already. Dataflow has its limits. ...
O limite da confiança e o caso Karina Veiga 1 Dec 2012 | 04:00 pm
O caso da Karina Veiga tomou proporções pouco comuns para um típico caso de “vazou na net”. O seu dominou as redes sociais, incluindo os super-populares Facebook (onde tudo começou) e o Twitter, onde ...
Saving problem for Large Number of Attribute Option Labels in Magento 18 Apr 2013 | 02:13 pm
I had a problem (POST truncated) today and it comes from a too little POST limit. (or the standard PHP post_max_size) i solved it with changing php.ini max_input_var=1000 to max_input_var=10000 you ca...