Most magento database connection error related news are at:

Start-up Costs for a New Business 30 Nov 2011 | 08:48 pm
Developing a Start-up Cost Worksheet is a crucial step to open a new business. A start-up cost worksheet will give you an idea about how much budget you need to open the doors to your business. How to...
At-Will Employment - FAQ 30 Nov 2011 | 08:44 pm
What is “at-will” employment? When an employee is hired at-will, his or her employment can be terminated at any time with or without notice by either party - the employee or the employer - with no lia...
More magento database connection error related news:
Your free adult blogs are now on a new host! 3 Oct 2012 | 11:53 pm has just moved to Amerinoc! Our previous host was problematic and a lot of our users were seeing database connection errors as a result. Hopefully the move to Amerinoc will drastic...
Re: Problem Opening My Site !! 23 Apr 2013 | 05:20 pm
Always Getting This Error Database connection error (2): Could not connect to MySQL. or That One : Service Temporarily Unavailable , Due To The Heavy Load On Server !!!!!! why ??! Always Getting Those...
Database connection errors when replicating a website on your localhost 17 Mar 2013 | 12:52 pm
Replicating a website on a local host is an essential feature when it comes to server maintenance, but quite often, it is not so straightforward. Many different troubleshooting procedures are needed t...
Bug Interakting slider / Magento sur wamp (Can’t write to file) 15 Mar 2012 | 09:52 pm
Sur un magento 1.6.1, lorsque je souhaite installer l’extension Interakting slider sur une plateforme WAMP, j’obtiens l’erreur suivante : CONNECT ERROR: Can’t write to file: [mon_install]\downloader\...
WordPress的"Error establishing a database connection"问题 27 Sep 2010 | 10:11 pm
这个问题太常见了,在服务器上出现还能理解。今天我在我本机上跑突然给遇到了,太猥琐了。 我查了又查3306端口,没有任何问题。然后删了又删wp-config.php,重新配置也没有问题,我都想检查下我RP了。 一直以为mysql是没有log日志文件,不过在 mysql/data/ 里面找到了一个.err结尾的文件,随便打开看了下。跟日志差不多看见上面列了一排 ‘.\notes\notes_...
WordPress Error Establishing a Database Connection After Upgrading to OS X Lion 30 Jul 2011 | 04:41 am
If you are getting this error on your local WordPress installation using Mac OS X Lion, there is a simple fix. You might be seeing this error even though PHP is working fine, and MySQL is working fine...
MacOS Xでローカル環境にWordPressをインストールしようとすると「Error establishing a database connection」でひっかかる場合の対処法 25 Apr 2012 | 12:41 pm
ここ最近(多分Lion?)から、テスト用にWordpress環境を構築しようとMacOS Xのローカルにインストールしようとすると、wp-install時に Error establishing a database connection と出てくることがあります。 mysqldも起動してるし、データベースもちゃんと作ってるし、wp-config.phpも間違いなく書いてるのにdbにつなぐことがで...
MSSQL Connection Error with PHP 1 Mar 2009 | 11:15 am
mssql_connect() is a function which establishes a connection to a MS SQL server using PHP. To use MSSQL database in PHP page make sure that MSSQL dll is enabled in PHP. To check open php.ini file and ...
File Hosting Script (v2.01) - Minor Bug Fixes 15 May 2012 | 07:44 am
- Removed database password from displaying if there's an error with database connectivity. - Fixed filtering within admin area. - Fixed csv export within admin area. - Minor bug fix with account expi...
How to Fix the Error Establishing a Database Connection in WordPress 1 Jul 2012 | 10:35 am
If you have been surfing the web for a while, you have at least seen this error a few times. Error Establishing a Database Connection is one of those curses that could be caused by many reasons. As a ...